Addison Duvall

Addison is the author of Food Identities, a blog that explores the crossroads of food, design, and culture. She's written some things, designed other things, and eaten a whole lot of food.

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Why Success Stories Of Others May Not Work For You

We all have read advice by our career heroes on how they achieved the massive fame fortune, and adoration that catapulted them to legendary status. An…

5 Problems With ‘Universal’ Design

In the past, I’ve interviewed potential clients who have asked me for a design with ‘universal appeal’. On the surface, I completely understand …

Freelancers: How To Raise Your Rates

Learn how to raise your rates and earn more as a freelancer. Tips and strategies to help you value your work and negotiate with clients.

How to Become A High-Demand Designer

Discover the high demand for designers in today's job market. Learn which skills are most sought after and how to stand out as a top candidate.