Latest in: Desktop

Whether you use Windows, macOS, Linux, or an alternative OS, and whether you're searching for cloud IDEs, emulators, software, or gaming accessories, you might find what you're looking for here.

We also offer tips and tricks tailored to your chosen OS, keyboard shortcuts, innovative desktop tools and apps, accessories, and guides on PC care—both inside and out—with more on the way.

Search and Remove Duplicate Files on Hard Disk

It’s not wise to have few copies of the same file on our hard drive, not only it creates confusion; it’s also take up spaces in the hard drive. Du…

Speed Up Windows Startup with MSConfig

Windows tends to start slowly as time goes; one of the most common reason this is happening is because we have too many software and application queui…

How to Restore Show Desktop on Quick Launch Toolbar

Show Desktop is perhaps one of the most used actions on a desktop (at least for me it is). It has already been few times my Show Desktop shortcut corr…

80 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook

Does your work involves a lot of e-mail checking and replying? If you rely on Microsoft Outlook to handle all your daily mails, here’s a good news f…
