Posted inPrincipals' Corner

Principals, Here’s What You Need to Do If You’re Being Forced to Reopen Your School Building

Reopening Schools during COVID19 COVID19 continues to change what was once healthy and safe. Infection numbers continue to grow along with the hope for a vaccine. Meanwhile, the question of the day is should we reopen schools despite the statistics. Some say yes, and others say no to reopening. Then you hear barking orders, “Open […]

Posted inHow to Fix Education

Affirmative Action at the Crossroads: Which Direction will the Supreme Court Go?

Affirmative Action: Remedy or Racist? Recent actions by the Trump Administration and the pending resignation of Anthony Kennedy from the Supreme Court have brought into question the status of affirmative action, the set of federal policies instituted by John F. Kennedy to counteract centuries of discrimination against specific minorities in American society. Affirmative action was […]