Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

Latest posts

How to Advanced Marquee Effect with CSS3 Animation

Today we are going to take a look at “marquee” once again. We actually have covered about it in our previous post which talked about using the -we…

CSS3 Border-Image Property: Making Photos Really Cool!

Creating borders is nothing new in HTML & CSS; we’ve been able to add borders since the beginning. You may have been familiar with solid borders, do…

Marquee in CSS – Beginner’s Guide

Marquee was first introduced in Internet Explorer and was very popular in the ’90s before W3C ultimately decided to exclude it from the HTML standar…

HTML5 Tutorial: How to Build a Single Product Page

In this post, we are going to work on a fictional project, creating a single product page to offer iPhone 4S, and in this project we are also going to…

A Look into: CSS3 Negation (:NOT) Selector

CSS has some selectors that allow you to select elements in certain conditions such as :hover, :focus, :active, etc. Yet today we will not cover those…

How to Use <DETAILS> and <SUMMARY> HTML Tags

Among several new tags that are available in HTML5, Specifications (such as: figure, figcaption, and aside), detail and summary tags, in my opinion, a…

How to Organize Photoshop Files Better (5 Tips)

Photoshop is a really powerful tool to draw any digital presentation that we could possibly imagine. Some of us might have familiarized ourselves with…

LESS CSS Tutorial: Designing A Slick Menu Navigation bar

Web design and development world is really evolving rapidly. We can see this in the great number of new stuff launched in the community (almost) every…