I was sitting in my apartment in the Dominican Republic for the third “hurricane day” in a row. School was still closed and we faced a full week of closure. Working to establish a distance learning culture our school sent a broadcast to parents and teachers; an expectation for students to utilize the online platform […]
Whitney Kaulbach
I teach High school and middle school students World History, AP World History, Reading Instruction, and Literacy Specialist.
Veteran Teachers Vested in Change, Teach Overseas
For the first time in years, I’m experiencing the excitement that new teachers can relate to. I’m “nerve-cited,” a term my daughter coined for our move to teach in the Dominican Republic after 20 years in one public school in northern Vermont. I had to seize an opportunity to shake my foundations, ignite possibilities for […]
Breaking out of the Norm with Breakout Edu
It has been a long time since I started my high school class with this opening, “Today I’m going to tell you a story… and only you have the power to save the world…” My gaming team of devoted educators advised me to take a plunge into an all-out game experience with Breakout EDU. While […]
Mini Thought Bubble on Performance Assessments
I recently returned from the Deeper Learning conference for educators in California with my mind imploding from an abundance of ideas. The three-day conference hosted at High Tech High in San Diego presented a broad exploration of equity framed in student experiences that shape education today and tomorrow. Usually, my conference euphoria ends up like a dusty book on […]
The Sensibilities of Mind Mapping
I was in attendance at a social studies department meeting reviewing how current curricula addresses Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR). A disagreement occurred over the requirement of mental mapping as a performance indicator. Teachers accustomed to multiple choice and essay writing for common assessment could not discern what constituted a mental map. The recall of Venn diagrams, illustrated maps with inset boxes and character […]
Pioneering Nearpod
The 1:1 digital classroom is no different from any classroom in terms of management challenges. The excitement of technological change and student attention span tends to wane at the same speed and undivided attentions seek distractions if a system of motivation and inquiry is not put in place. This is true for all teaching because I remember […]
Classroom Work Flow Before the Holidays
I have one week and three days to go before students are released for the holiday break. It is such a difficult time of year to set goals, establish a workflow and keep the enthusiasm in student learning. Students carry the stress and the burden of the holidays on themselves in a myriad of ways […]
Surviving the Doldrums of Education
The dark days of November are upon my students and admittedly the enthusiasm for being back in school has worn off. The fervor, rigor and rapid pace of schooling usually takes its toll on me this time of year and I have to develop means of not only survival but of hope as I try […]