Latest in: Blogging

You might think that blogging is mostly about writing good content. However, there is so much more happening in the background too: you will have to market your posts, make your content share-worthy, have a healthy understanding about SEO, current trends, and your loyal readers, how to fish for more comments and in some cases guest blog.

And after it all, why not group all your penned thoughts into an ebook or printed book? You know you want to.

5 Things to Do with Your Rejected Guest Post Pitch

Learn why your guest post was rejected and how to improve your writing to get accepted in the future. Tips and tricks to boost your chances of success…

50 Handpicked Beautiful Tumblr Themes (Updated)

Tumblr is one of the most interesting social media platforms and home to creative individuals who like to share their thoughts and ideas with people o…

50 Most Beautiful Blogger Templates to Download

An updated list of beautiful yet advanced Blogger (Blogspot) templates free to download.

Best Desktop Blogging Software (Updated)

Discover the best desktop blogging clients for efficient blogging. Increase productivity and streamline your workflow. Check out our ultimate list now…

20 Free SEO Ebooks to Improve Your Website

The field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is changing at a very fast pace. The era of yearly algorithm updates has pretty much ended. These days, …

Build a GitHub-Hosted Blog with Jekyll Now

Jekyll is a platform used for static websites that just want to publish content quickly. The biggest issue with Jekyll is the reliance on command line…

Telegraph: Anonymous Blogging Site by the Creators of Telegram

The creators of the popular security-first messaging app Telegram is expanding to the blogging scene, and the result is an unusual little service call…

Writers: 10 Subreddits to Find Writing Tips You Need

As Maya Angelou said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” I’m sure that everyone reading this has had plans of wr…

How to Make People Love Your Blog

People blog for a variety of reasons. Some find it good exercise, others aspire to be an award-winning author one day, and still others just need some…

Myths vs Realities of a Writer’s Life

After having worked as a writer for about six years now, I’ve come to realise that many people tend to have unrealistic perceptions about this job. …

10 Best Static Site Generators for Bloggers

Static websites are taking over from dynamic sites as the favoured web platform for delivering content on the Internet. Bloggers and owners of content…

Why Your Opinion Matters & Why You Shouldn’t Fear Having One

We all have opinions. Some of us have no inhibitions sharing them with total strangers on the internet or via social media. In some circumstances, two…
