Anna Monus

Anna is Technical Editor and Writer for She mainly covers front-end frameworks, web standards, accessibility, WordPress development, and UX design.

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Interaction Design: How to Create Simple User Profiles

Let’s think together. Suppose you want to make a product or website for someone. What’s the first thing you think about? Do you think about what t…

A Look Into Proper HTML5 Semantics

If you carefully plan the structure of your HTML documents, you can help computers make sense of the meaning of your content. Proper syntax is importa…

How to Improve Writing Quality with Data Storytelling

Since the earliest days of humanity, people have told stories to each other in different forms. Storytelling has serious traditions in every culture. …

Why Experience Design is The Next Big Thing

A scary article about the death of web design swept through the internet this summer making the web design community ponder about the future of the in…

Use Quantity Queries to Make Your CSS Quantity-Aware

Quantity queries are specially set-up CSS selectors that allow developers to make their code quantity-aware. In responsive design, we usually use medi…

30 Acronyms All Web Developers Should Know

The jargon of the web development industry contains so many acronyms we are using day in and day out, that it’s not only daunting for novices, but s…

15 wp-config Snippets to Configure WordPress Site

WordPress admin makes it easy to manage configurations without touching a line of code. These basic configuration settings are then stored in the wp-o…

How to Reduce Cart Abandonment Rates on your e-Commerce Site

Cart abandonment is a standard problem each e-commerce site encounters sooner or later. According to the Baymard Research Institute, the average shopp…

How to Use minmax() CSS Grid

The CSS Grid Layout Module takes responsive design to the next level by introducing a new kind of flexibility that was never seen before. Now, we canâ…

10 Coolest Features in jQuery 3

jQuery 3.0, the new major release of jQuery finally got released. The web developer community waited for this important step since October 2014, when …

Anticipatory Design: When Choice is Removed From Decision Making

Have you ever thought about how the web would look like if we could anticipate user needs? The idea to personalize user experience and serve different…

10 Awesome PostCSS Plugins to Make You a CSS Wizard

PostCSS is an incredibly versatile tool that makes it possible to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. Its flexibility lies in the way it’s…