Best Project Management Tools (2023)

project management tools
Project management tools help get jobs done.

They provide useful information through various reports, and by keeping all information about a project in one place, these tools reduce confusion, enhance collaboration, and ultimately, contribute to the success of projects.

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What is a Project Management Tool?

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Best Project Management Tools

Take a look at our selection of top-notch project management tools. Use the side navigation to easily filter and find the tools that best fit your needs.

Project Management Tools for Businesses
Project & Task Management Tools for PMs
Project Planning Tools for Freelancers
Project Management Tools for Remote Teams
Wrike & Its AI Features for Project Management
5 AI-Powered Team Management Tools

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1. Are There Any Free Project Management Tools Available?

Yes, there are several project management tools that offer free versions. While these versions may have limitations compared to their paid counterparts, they can still be quite useful for smaller teams or simpler projects. Here are some examples:

  1. ClickUp: ClickUp’s free version offers unlimited tasks and users, with some limitations on storage and features.

  2. Wrike: Wrike’s free plan is suitable for small teams and includes basic task management and collaboration features.

  3. Trello: Known for its simplicity and ease of use, Trello uses a card-based system for managing tasks and projects.

  4. Asana: The free version of Asana allows for task management, project tracking, and collaboration for teams of up to 15 members.

  5. Airtable: Combining elements of a spreadsheet and a database, Airtable’s free version is a flexible tool for project management.

  6. GoodDay: GoodDay’s free version supports up to 15 users and offers task management, time tracking, and project planning features.

  7. Jira: Particularly popular in software development, Jira offers a free version for small teams with basic features.

  8. ProjectLibre: This is a free, open-source alternative to Microsoft Project.

  9. GanttProject: This is a free, downloadable tool that specializes in Gantt charts, a popular type of project management diagram.

  10. Redmine: Redmine is a free, open-source, web-based project management tool.

Do note that while free versions can be a good starting point, they often have limitations such as a cap on the number of users or projects, limited storage, or fewer features. Depending on your team’s needs, a paid plan might be more suitable.

2. Who Uses Project Management Tools and Why?

Project management tools are a must-have for businesses big and small, across all sectors, and here’s why:

  1. Boosting Efficiency and Productivity: These tools make managing tasks, schedules, and resources a breeze. They automate a lot of the work, like assigning tasks, tracking progress, and creating reports. This means less time spent on admin and more time for the team to focus on their main jobs, which ramps up productivity.

  2. Better Communication: Project management tools are like a one-stop-shop for team chats. Everyone can talk about tasks, share files, and update each other in one place. This makes communication slick and ensures everyone knows what’s going on, which cuts down on mix-ups and disagreements.

  3. Top-Notch Task Management: With a project management tool, tasks are clear, assigned, and easy to track. Everyone knows what they have to do, when it’s due, and who’s doing what. This clarity boosts responsibility and makes sure tasks get done on time.

  4. Smart Resource Use: These tools let managers see how resources are being used in a snap. They can keep an eye on how much time everyone’s spending on tasks, keep track of the budget, and make sure resources are being used wisely. This leads to smarter decisions and more successful projects.

  5. Risk Control: Project management tools give a clear picture of how the project’s going and how resources are being used, which can help spot potential risks before they turn into big problems. They also offer tools for planning and tracking how to reduce risks.

  6. Reporting and Insights: Most project management tools come with reporting features that give insights into how the project’s doing. This can help managers spot what’s going well and what needs to be better. It also makes reporting on the project’s progress to stakeholders a lot easier.

3. How to Pick the Best Project Management Tool for My Team?

When it comes to choosing the most suitable project management tool for you and your team, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What Does Your Team Need? Start by figuring out what your team really needs. Are you looking for a basic task tracker or a full-blown tool with all the bells and whistles like resource management, time tracking, and fancy reports? Think about your team size, how complex your projects are, and what’s typical for your industry.

  2. Is It Easy to Use? You want a tool that’s user-friendly and easy to get the hang of. If it’s too complicated, your team might resist using it, and that’s no good for anyone.

  3. Can It Grow with You? As your projects get more complex and your team gets bigger, you’ll need a tool that can keep up. Make sure whatever you choose can scale with you.

  4. Does It Play Well with Others? A good project management tool should be able to integrate with other tools your team uses like email, calendars, file storage, and communication platforms. This can make your workflows smoother and more efficient.

  5. What’s the Cost? Don’t just look at the subscription cost. Think about any costs related to getting it set up, training your team, and ongoing support.

  6. Is It Secure and Reliable? You want a tool that’s secure, reliable, and has good customer support. Regular updates are also a good sign.

  7. Can You Try Before You Buy? Many tools offer a trial period. This is a great way to give them a test drive and see if they’re a good fit for your team.

  8. What Do Other Users Say? Check out reviews and ratings from other users. They can give you a good idea of the tool’s strengths and weaknesses.

The best tool for your team is the one that fits your needs and working style. Take your time, do your research, and you’ll find the right one.

4. What Features Should I Consider in a Project Management Tool?

There are a few key things to keep in mind based on what your team needs and the kind of projects you’re working on. For example:

  1. Task Management: This is the bread and butter of any project management tool. It lets you make, assign, and keep an eye on tasks, set due dates, and update how far along tasks are. Some tools even let you sort tasks into categories, add labels, or break tasks down into smaller parts.

  2. Teamwork Tools: These features make it easier for your team to work together and communicate. They might include chat features, spaces for comments, file sharing, and the ability to tag or mention team members.

  3. Planning and Scheduling: Features like Gantt charts, calendars, and timelines can help you get a clear picture of your project timeline, keep track of important due dates, and understand the order tasks need to happen in.

  4. Document Management: This feature lets you store, share, and organize all the documents related to your project in one spot. Some tools even offer version control, which can be handy for keeping track of changes and making sure everything stays consistent.

  5. Resource Management: This helps you keep track of and manage your resources effectively. This could include keeping track of how much time team members are spending, managing your project budget, or assigning equipment or other resources.

  6. Reporting and Analytics: These features give you a bird’s eye view of how your project is doing. This could include keeping track of tasks that have been completed, monitoring how much time is being spent on tasks, keeping an eye on budget usage, and more. Some tools even offer reports that you can customize.

  7. Integration Capabilities: Being able to integrate with other tools your team uses (like email, file storage, and communication platforms) can make workflows smoother and improve efficiency.

  8. User-Friendly Interface: The tool should be easy to navigate and use. If it’s too complicated or confusing, it can get in the way of productivity and lead to resistance among team members.

  9. Mobile Access: If your team often works on the go, look for a tool that offers a mobile app or a mobile-friendly interface.

  10. Security Features: If you’re dealing with sensitive information, make sure the tool has strong security measures in place.

5. Can Project Management Tools Integrate with Other Third-Party Tools?

Yes, project management tools can indeed work hand-in-hand with many third-party tools. The exact integrations can differ from tool to tool, but let’s look at some usual suspects:

  1. Chatting Away: Project management tools often buddy up with communication apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Chat. This means your team can chat and collaborate without leaving the project management environment.

  2. Storing and Sharing: Need to share or manage project files? No problem! Many project management tools can connect with file storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive, making file sharing a breeze.

  3. Email Magic: Some tools can even integrate with email services like Gmail or Outlook. This lets you turn emails into tasks, get notifications right in your inbox, and more.

  4. Calendar Sync: Got a date to remember? Integrations with calendar tools like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook Calendar can help you keep track of schedules and deadlines.

  5. Customer Management: If you’re dealing with customer-related projects or if you’re in sales and marketing, some project management tools can integrate with CRM platforms like Salesforce or HubSpot.

  6. Time’s Ticking: Want to keep track of time spent on tasks? Integration with time tracking tools like Toggl or Harvest can help you manage your resources effectively.

  7. Money Matters: If you’re working on client projects, integrations with finance and billing software like QuickBooks or Xero can make invoicing and budget tracking simpler.

The exact integrations can depend on the project management tool you pick. So, it’s always a smart move to check what integrations are on offer when you’re choosing a tool.

6. What Are the Benefits of Using Project Management Tools?
  1. Better Organization and Planning: Project management tools are like your personal organizer. They help you arrange tasks, set priorities, and plan out your project timeline, making the whole process smoother and more efficient.

  2. Boosted Teamwork: These tools are like a virtual meeting room for your team. They let everyone share documents, update their task status, and chat with each other, making it easier for everyone to work together and stay in the loop.

  3. Top-Notch Task Management: Think of a project management tool as your team’s personal assistant. It assigns tasks to team members, sets due dates, and makes sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to do and when.

  4. Crystal Clear Transparency: Project management tools are like a window into your project’s progress. They show you how tasks and projects are moving along, helping you spot any roadblocks, manage risks, and keep everyone informed.

  5. Resource Management Made Easy: These tools are like your resource tracker. They keep tabs on everything from your team’s time to your project budget and equipment, helping you use your resources wisely and plan your budget and schedule effectively.

  6. Streamlined Communication: By bringing all communication into one place, project management tools can cut down on confusion and make sure important info is easy for everyone to find.

  7. Insightful Reports: Most project management tools come with reporting features that give you a deep dive into your project’s performance. This can help you make smart, data-driven decisions and make your future projects even better.

  8. Smooth Integration with Other Tools: Many project management tools can buddy up with other software you use, like email, calendars, and file storage. This can make your workflows flow even more smoothly and boost your efficiency.

  9. Risk Management: By giving you a clear view of your project’s progress and any potential snags, project management tools can help you spot and deal with risks early on.

  10. Ready to Grow with You: As your team gets bigger or your projects get more complex, a project management tool can step up to the plate, offering more advanced features and capabilities when you need them.

7. What is the Typical Cost of Project Management Tools?

The price of project management tools can differ a lot. It depends on what features you need, how many people are going to use it, and who makes the tool. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Some tools charge per person who’s going to use it. For example, some might cost around $10.99 per person each month, while others might be $24.99. Usually, you pay for the whole year at once.

If you’re a medium-sized business, you might be looking at anywhere from $25 to $300 each month. On average, you might end up paying around $130.50 a month. This is usually for teams of 50 people or less and includes up to 50GB of storage and lots of projects.

For bigger businesses, there are enterprise plans. These have more features and can support more people. But, the price isn’t usually listed publicly. You’ll need to get in touch with the provider to find out how much it’ll cost.

Some tools also have free versions or let you try them out for free. This can be a great way to see if a tool is right for you before you start paying for it.

The price isn’t the only thing to think about when you’re choosing a project management tool. You should also think about what features it has, how easy it is to use, and whether it suits your team’s way of working.

Keep in mind, these prices are just rough estimates and they can change. It’s always best to check the most recent prices on the provider’s website or get in touch with them to ask for a quote.

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