10 Tips for Your Business’ Facebook Fan Page

Your Facebook fan page is more powerful than you think. It can help boost revenue and brand awareness which can solidify your standing in the market. If you are selling your services, digital or physical products, you can benefit greatly from having a well-functioning fan page.

The benefits come in two ways: long-term and short-term.

Long-term benefits simply mean that you can increase brand loyalty among your followers. Because they often see you and you are always in their minds, your business will be the first thing they will think about when they need what you are selling.

As for short-term benefits, of course it’s to boost sales through campaigns and promotions you are running. Instant profit!

So, let’s get started!

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1. Add Facebook cover with your contact info

Business Facebook fan page tips

This is a simple yet important step in managing your Facebook fan page. A lot of business fan pages don’t do this, but those who do, get actual results. What results, you ask?

Think of it this way… those who visit your page, they have an agenda in mind. And more often than not, it’s to look for announcements, events, campaigns, or contact information.

And your Facebook cover photo is the first thing they will see when they visit your page. So why not add your contact information there, as well as important announcements or promos?

As a bonus, edit the cover photo’s description and add a direct link to your contact form, or add your phone number directly, and other content you want people to see immediately.

2. Schedule a variety of posts in advance

It is important to keep your fan page active. Try to post a couple of times daily and mix it up a bit. People will easily get tired if you post promotions all the time, or if you actively talk about your products or services everyday.

While that is the main purpose of your page, to redirect fans to your checkout page, it’s also important to add some variation to what they see.

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Add relevant news, ask questions, post images or videos, and the like. What works best is if you keep yourself updated with the trends, and you hop on them as they happen.

For example, if you are selling clothes, and a popular artist posted a photo on Instagram that vaguely looks like one of your designs…you know where I’m going, right?

3. Create an autoresponder and chatbot

Business Facebook fan page tips

I can’t tell you how much important this is for all businesses. I’ve created several chatbots for ecommerce, construction, digital marketing, and food-related businesses using ManyChat and the results have always been amazing.

You can utilize autoresponders and chatbots to minimize the time it takes to do customer support.

For example, if you only operate within specific hours daily, an autoresponder can inform the user about when they can expect to receive a reply from you. And at the same time, they can type in their inquiry and the chatbot can simply provide them with the necessary answer — thus, a self-help scheme is built.

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You can also utilize chatbots to work in tandem with your customer support team. If an inquiry is resolved by your chatbot, then it won’t need to go through your chat support team.

However, in case it’s a complicated issue, then the chatbot can simply escalate the issue to a human representative. You see how you save time here?

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4. Attach your fan page to a Facebook Group

Business Facebook fan page tips

While nothing is confirmed, there’s huge evidence that Facebook places more attention to Groups rather than fan pages. What I’m saying is, if people search for you or your niche on Facebook, 9 out of 10, a Facebook Group will pop up on the first five results over fan pages.

Not only that, people already know that fan pages are for official news, posts, and promotions, so they just treat it as a bulletin board of some sort. People rarely engage on fan pages nowadays.

However, for Facebook Groups, people actively interact with each other. Once you have that going, you can funnel your group members to your official posts and vice versa to drive engagement and sales.

So, create your group and add that “Visit Group” button at the top of your fan page!

5. Add a Twitter tab on your fan page

Business Facebook fan page tips

Facebook and Twitter are the two main social networks for people who are hungry for information, and they both have very different audience types.

For example, you’d often see casual users on Facebook who are into funny videos and photos, news, and the like. Meanwhile, Twitter users are more straight to the point, fast paced, and a little bit more serious.

And a lot of times, these users both have Facebook and Twitter. So why not embed Twitter to your Facebook fan page so your audience won’t have to jump from one network to the other?

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6. Invite people who liked your posts to become fans

Business Facebook fan page tips

Each time you post or run an advertisement, the people who react to it could all potentially like your fan page. How, you ask? It’s pretty simple, and it’s one easy way to boost your page’s fans.

When you run a promo and, say, you get 500 reactions, simply click on the link that says “x reactions” and a window will pop-up with the list of all the people who have reacted. Right next to them is a button to invite them to like your page!

7. Setup your Facebook Store

Business Facebook fan page tips

If you are selling physical products, it is important that you set up your Facebook Store. Don’t be like those who use Facebook Marketplace who copy and paste their products daily, hoping someone would purchase from them.

There are also those who spam on Facebook groups! This doesn’t work at all unless your product is one of a kind.

Anyway, set up your Facebook Store so people won’t have to leave the Facebook app just to buy something from you. You can even integrate it with your Shopify or WooCommerce store!

8. Auto-post your Twitter and Instagram posts to Facebook

Do this to save time. You don’t have to post to your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and WordPress blog individually. Instead of doing that which could take half an hour just for one post, use a tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your posts and publish them throughout your social media networks.

This is particularly helpful when you are trying to reach a big audience and your social media followers are spread in all of these networks.

You can benefit from this if you are running promotions and polls, and when you are trying to gather information from your audience.

9. Enable Top Fan badges

Enable your top fan badges to “reward” your audience who usually interact with your page. Believe it or not, people love to be rewarded, even if it’s just fake internet points. And also, this will be a benefit for you in the long run.

For example, if you have even one active fan who always shares, reacts, or comments on your posts, and people see that they have the Top Fan badge, it gives off the impression that your page has content that is worth looking at.

And on the other side of things, you just got yourself an evangelist.

10. Encourage customers to leave a review

Yearly, millions of dollars are being spent by top Amazon sellers just to get a sweet 5 star review on their listings. Not only on Amazon, but also on their official stores, TrustPilot, and other review websites. Why? Because reviews actually work.

Having a 4 to 5 star review on your business Facebook fan page can help boost revenue for your business. This only means that people would rather interact with a business who has at least 4 stars rather than those who have 0 to 3 stars. Seriously.

When was the last time you purchased anything on Amazon that has less than 3 stars?

To end…

For every type of business, following these 10 tips will definitely yield great results. Especially when you actively and perfectly execute them.

It’s quite easy to apply them on your page, but admittedly it also takes a lot of time. I know because I’ve done all of the things I mentioned above…several times for several clients. But hey, if it works, it works!
