Hongkiat https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/category/freelance/ Tech and Design Tips Sun, 17 Sep 2023 10:07:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.6 How to Avoid the Trap of Design Minutiae https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/stop-debating-design-minutia/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/stop-debating-design-minutia/#respond Tue, 05 Sep 2023 10:01:28 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=19220 Break free from design indecision by understanding the traps of design minutiae.

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So many designers waste their time contemplating things that, in the long run, are completely useless to their development as creative professionals, freelancers, or better designers in general. This not only hampers their growth but also fails to increase productivity.

They whittle away at meaningless details – such as what font size their name should be on their business card, or whether they should make that CTA button white or blue – and then wonder why they seem rooted in their current situation. They spin their wheels, as the saying goes, without ever making any real progress.

We’re going to look at some of the most common types of minutiae that seem to trap freelance designers in a never-ending cycle of indecision, and explore some simple ways to break out of them.

Freelance Designers: How to Balance Your Work Life

Freelance Designers: How to Balance Your Work Life

Do you work to live or live to work? Freelance designers may have started off imagining work as... Read more

Tiny Technicalities

Stop worrying about tiny changes like button size or shape unless your client’s company is big enough that those types of changes matter. Any website smaller than eBay or Amazon probably isn’t worth the stress, because the target customer base will respond mostly the same way to a variety of different UI configurations or CTAs.

obsessed with tiny technicalities

Tiny differences in color, placement, etc., are irrelevant, and if they hinder your progress on a project, they can actually be damaging to your career as a freelancer.

Pick Your Battles

Some elements of a design project have speed or budget as the number one priority, like foundational deliverables on a tight deadline. Other elements need to be done as perfectly and accurately as possible. Designers sometimes think that the latter is the most important, but it’s usually the opposite.

If you really analyze any design project you happen to be working on, you’ll most likely find that the 80/20 principle applies to the ratio of quality needed versus quantity.

What Takes Priority?

The elements of a project that absolutely require the most attention to detail are often not what you think they are. Usually, they’re things like copy, where a single spelling error can utterly destroy a brand’s reputation, or the correct indexing of inventory or other offerings to customers. Rarely does the perfect font or color scheme seriously impact your client’s bottom line.

web design priority

I’m not saying these things aren’t important; they’re just not as important as many designers believe. Unless you or your client have hard data that proves otherwise, it’s better to prioritize what really matters to users.

Stop Revising and Start Selling

You must know how to sell a client on a solution you believe is best, rather than letting them steamroll you into endless revisions. Salesmanship is a vital part of any business relationship.

As the saying goes, every business is a sales business. Whether you’re persuading people to buy your new brand of table salt or convincing a client that your solution is perfect for their problem, you’re always in the business of selling.

Nitpickers Never Prosper

A hard truth in business is that those hired to polish and perfect a project are often the least significant in terms of importance to the team. If you find yourself overwhelmed with making minor corrections or constantly performing the design equivalent of janitorial work, it might be time to reassess the direction your career is taking.


Sure, clients might appreciate your efforts, but do they genuinely value you as a designer? Unless the real solution to your client’s problem involves crossing T’s and nudging elements around a grid, I highly doubt it.

When It’s Done, It’s Done

There’s a quote often attributed to Albert Einstein that goes something like this: “Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Design is about providing the simplest, most elegant solution to a problem that one can, but some designers reach that solution about 3 or 4 revisions earlier than they realize.


If you’re baking cookies, and after 10 minutes they’re golden brown and perfect, you wouldn’t put them back in the oven for an extra 10 minutes “just in case.” Quality is important, and clients certainly care about it, but it’s never wise to belabor a solution that is already satisfactory.

7 Insane Habits to Kill Your Freelance Writing Career

7 Insane Habits to Kill Your Freelance Writing Career

It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I am pretty sure the... Read more


Design as a profession tends to attract people who are highly analytical and can see multiple solutions to problems. This is an excellent trait overall (in my not-so-humble opinion), as it gives designers the creativity and freshness that clients seek.

The challenge lies in knowing when your natural meticulousness stops being helpful and starts becoming a hindrance. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance and keep perspective so that your freelance career will grow rather than stagnate.

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How to Deal with Insecurities for Freelancers https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancers-insecurities/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancers-insecurities/#comments Fri, 18 Aug 2023 07:01:00 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=14102 Tackle freelancing insecurities head-on with proven strategies for long-term success.

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The taste of success in the life of freelancers is much sweeter if they can overcome the barrage of insecurities scattered along their path to success. Take a glimpse into the life of a freelancer, and everything may appear hunky-dory: freelancers seem to work less than what a full-time employee would, they appear to have ample sleep, and most importantly, they secure work based on their own convenience.

Those who are not freelancers are often impressed by the laid-back style that defines the working life of freelancers, which may, in turn, inspire them to consider the same path.

What these ‘outsiders’ fail to see is the amount of hard work and insecurity every freelancer must endure to realize their dreams. The truth is, despite consistent hard work, not every freelancer achieves success.

One reason is their inability to cope with the pressure of having insecurities as a significant part of their career. Those who rely solely on freelancing for their livelihood are the ones who are most insecure.

In this article, we provide an inside look into the insecurities that plague freelancers and what you need to prepare for to establish a long-term career in freelancing.

Ensuring a Steady Flow of Work

The nature of a freelancing profession is such that nothing is guaranteed. As soon as a freelancer completes an assignment, they have to start looking for another one. New freelancers will feel this more than seasoned ones, but even the most successful, at times, struggle to secure new jobs. This is the most striking insecurity that freelancers face these days.

freelance designer busy at work

The fierce competition for jobs has made the piece of the pie smaller for each freelancer. To ensure a steady flow of work and income, it is crucial for a freelancer to build a strong and large clientele to source assignments from. It is equally important for freelancers to complete each assignment well and win over the client.

A satisfied client will return with more job offers. Building a good rapport with clients will pave the way for more opportunities for freelancers, keeping the hunt for assignments minimal, so that more time can be spent on performing the job well.

Fear of Losing Clients

In all my years as a freelancer, I feel that losing a client tops the list of a freelancer’s insecurities. It’s hard for me to pinpoint the reasons for a loss. I have faced situations in which I thought I had completed assignments perfectly, but still, I lost the client.

Despite the amount of hard work you put in, clients can be very challenging to deal with at times. I eventually came to realize that it’s not just about doing things perfectly, but also doing them in a manner that impresses your clients.

freelancer losing clients

This is why freelancers should never become complacent with their work, even when working with long-term clients. Such an attitude could be detrimental to your career. It doesn’t matter how many good jobs you have done for them, it takes only one mistake for a client to stop coming back to you. Each client is precious, so give your best in order to retain your clients. One po

Scouting for New Assignments

You never know when you might experience a dry spell in receiving assignments from your clients. Sometimes, the wait for the next job seems endless. Such situations do arise, and the best action a freelancer can take is to scout for new sources of job opportunities.

hire me

However, this should be done within reason – don’t expand your client base too quickly, otherwise, you might become overwhelmed by overlapping deadlines and conflicting requirements.

Fulfilling commitments to a long list of clients simultaneously can be challenging for freelancers. You don’t want to make a poor first impression with new clients, and you can’t afford to renege on the deadlines set by your long-term clients. The decision on which job to prioritize can be difficult, so it’s best to avoid putting yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to choose.

Quoting the Worth of Your Services

Many freelancers face a dilemma when asked to quote a price for their services. They fear losing a client if they quote a high price. Conversely, clients might reject freelancers who quote below par for their services, believing that they may not be capable of performing the required task. I have faced similar situations when I was unsure how to proceed.

The best solution I’ve found is to quote a price that I’ve been charging other clients. It’s important to find jobs that pay according to your expectations. Accepting jobs that pay less will always put you in a difficult position. These clients will never increase the price, and may even pressure you to decrease your rate.

Losing Money from Unsatisfied Clients

There are many instances when freelancers fail to receive their payment because the client believes that the completed assignment is not what was requested, or is substandard. You may have worked diligently on the project, dedicating 18 hours a day to it, but in the end, all your efforts go unrecognized and are wasted.

refusing to pay

If your client has decided not to use your work, there is very little you can do about it. A freelancer will always be plagued with the fear that a client might refuse to pay if they don’t like the work. The only option left is to sell the work to someone else.

If your client refuses to pay you for the completed assignment, you have the right to sell it to other clients, or use it elsewhere. A client may have their own reasons for not accepting your work. Instead of worrying about the money lost, think of ways to salvage what you can by taking your work elsewhere.


Insecurities will always exist for freelancers. The best freelancers are those who learn to accept and overcome such insecurities, emerging stronger than ever. In the freelancing field, you have to learn to live with these insecurities and develop strategies to deal with them.

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How LibreOffice Writer Streamlines Your Coursework Writing Process https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/libreoffice-writer-coursework-writing/ Mon, 14 Aug 2023 10:01:01 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=68690 Simplify coursework with LibreOffice Writer's user-friendly tools and features.

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Writing coursework is a crucial task that students must undertake during their academic careers. It requires significant time and effort to complete, but doing so can lead to success and high grades.

However, many students turn to tools for help in completing their coursework. LibreOffice is a sophisticated, free program that aids students in organizing and composing their assignments.

coursework writing

It’s never too late to start learning, and there’s no shame in taking advantage of opportunities to learn new skills. For example, you might want to consider a free guide to learn how to use LibreOffice Writer.

Let’s explore this in more detail!

Table of Contents

LibreOffice & LibreOffice Writer: An Overview

LibreOffice is a fully-featured, open-source office productivity suite that’s free to use. It’s simple to operate and compatible with other well-known applications. Many users prefer LibreOffice over Microsoft Word because it offers a competitive alternative. Recently, a growing number of students have switched from Word to LibreOffice, attracted by its increasing popularity and demand.

LibreOffice Writer is a part of the LibreOffice suite that enables you to create text documents. These can include pictures, tables, flowcharts, or graphs, making it a useful tool for coursework writing. You can save these documents in various formats, such as HTML, Microsoft Word’s .doc format, and ODF or PDF.

With LibreOffice Writer, you can create everything from short essays, letters, and documents to lengthy books, theses, or dissertations, complete with reference lists and indexes.

Interested in learning more about LibreOffice Writer and how it can assist with your coursework writing? Here’s a brief and straightforward guide on using LibreOffice Writer to simplify the coursework writing process.

LibreOffice Writer’s Features for Coursework

LibreOffice Writer offers numerous features that can assist you in the coursework writing process, making it user-friendly. Here are some of the key features we’ll be discussing:

  1. Writing in Various Styles: Customize your text with different styles.
  2. Access to Free Templates and Languages: Choose from a wide range of templates and language options.
  3. Creating and Organizing Content: Easily create and organize your work.
  4. Designing with Built-in Drawing Tools: Utilize the integrated tools for designing and drawing.
  5. Adding Various Elements: Insert images, tables, columns, equations, and more to enhance your document.
  6. Document Saving Options: Save your work in various formats.
  7. Citation and Bibliography Tools: Add citations and design bibliographies effortlessly.
  8. Desktop Publishing in OpenOffice Writer: Utilize desktop publishing features for professional layouts.
  9. Calculations: Perform mathematical calculations within the document.
  10. Drawing Pictures: Use tools specifically designed for drawing pictures.
  11. Flexible Application Interface: Enjoy a user-friendly interface that adapts to your needs.
  12. Drag and Drop Graphics Insertion: Easily insert graphics with a simple drag-and-drop function.
  13. Help Features: Access help and support features within the application.

These features collectively contribute to a more efficient and enjoyable writing experience.

Starting LibreOffice Writer: A Guide

Download & Install
  1. Visit the official LibreOffice website to download the software.
  2. Once the download is complete, install it on your device.
  3. Open LibreOffice and select the template you want to use, such as an open writer document, to assist you in your coursework writing process.
  4. You can easily write, create, and save a new document within the program.
Customize Toolbars
  • Choose the toolbars you want to use in your coursework. You can do this from the ‘View Menu’.
  • The ‘Standard’ toolbar and the ‘Formatting’ toolbar are the two toolbars that students most frequently use.
  • Learn how to use the features of the ‘Standard’ toolbar. It enables you to:
  • Use the features of the "Formatting’ toolbar properly for editing within a page. It helps you to:
    • Align your writing.
    • Add bullet points and tables.
  • Create toolbars that reflect your choices during the coursework writing process.
menus to write your coursework

You can benefit from eight types of menus in LibreOffice Writer while working on your coursework writing process. These include:

  • File Menu
  • Format Menu
  • Edit Menu
  • Insert Menu
  • View Menu
  • Tables Menu
  • Tools Menu
  • Windows Menu
Understand Status Bar
writer status bar

The ‘Writer Status’ bar provides useful options for quickly adjusting certain document elements, as well as offering information about your coursework writing. Here’s what you can do:

  • Change the status of a document.
  • Check the number of pages.
  • Check the word count and character count.
  • Select a specific page style.
  • Choose the language of the text that you will adhere to in your coursework writing process.
  • Utilize insert and selection modes.
  • Add your digital signatures.
  • Select view layouts, such as single or multiple pages, or a book layout.
  • Use the zoom feature to zoom in or out, and to maintain the zoom level at a specific point.
Change Document View
document view

LibreOffice Writer offers three different methods to view your coursework writing document, and you can select any one of them during your coursework writing process. These methods include:

  1. Normal View: The default view, also known as Normal view, displays how your coursework writing will appear when printed or converted into a PDF. By clicking on ‘View’ > ‘Show Whitespace’ from the menu, you can hide or show the headers, footers, and space between pages in this view.
  2. Web View: When creating HTML documents, Web View is helpful in coursework writing. The Zoom slider is the only tool available in ‘Web View’; the ‘Layout View’ options are inactive, and some other options in the ‘Zoom & Layout View dialogue are also unavailable. Page boundaries are not visible anywhere.
  3. Full-Screen View: When viewing a document in ‘Full-Screen’ mode during the coursework writing process, neither toolbars nor sidebars are visible. Instead, the document fills the entire screen, using the previously chosen magnification and layout options.
Use Styles for Formatting
styles and formating

Direct formatting is the standard method of formatting your documents during the coursework writing process. In other words, you press a button that applies a specific characteristic.

With styles, you can group together several attributes, such as font size and weight, and assign them a descriptive name, like a heading. The benefits of using styles over direct formatting include the following:

  • It ensures a unified appearance for your pages, sentences, and lists.
  • It simplifies the process of regularly adjusting the formatting later on.
  • It allows for the importing and reusing of styles from different documents.
  • It enables changes to the style, and those changes are automatically applied to all instances of that style (referred to as its “offspring”).

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How to Stay Motivated as a Freelancer (When Energy is Low) https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancers-motivation-tips/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancers-motivation-tips/#comments Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:01:47 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=10416 Learn strategies to maintain your creative spark and leverage flexibility in freelancing.

The post How to Stay Motivated as a Freelancer (When Energy is Low) appeared first on Hongkiat.

As freelance designers, cultivating self-discipline is a vital trait. While the flexibility of your schedule is a significant advantage, it’s crucial to maintain a level of firmness in your daily tasks to ensure the smooth operation of your business. Therefore, keeping your motivation high is of utmost importance.

However, everyone experiences periods of low energy or enthusiasm. It’s not uncommon to feel disheartened when freelancing isn’t going as planned or when it doesn’t offer the expected flexibility. That’s why it’s essential to understand what motivates freelancers like you.

As a part-time freelance blogger, I’ve encountered several common issues related to dwindling motivation. Fortunately, I’ve discovered several strategies that help me recharge when my energy levels are low. I’m eager to share these solutions with you in this post.

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Reflect on Your Freelancing Journey

Always remember the reasons that led you to choose freelancing. Recalling your initial motivations can help you appreciate your current position, even when times are challenging. Many freelancers embark on this path seeking greater control over their schedules and the freedom to choose their projects.

reflecting on life journey

However, it’s easy to fall into the trap of not communicating promptly with clients. This could be due to poor time management or a lack of motivation. If it’s the latter, it’s crucial to understand that your earnings are directly proportional to the time and effort you invest. High productivity is the key to a successful freelancing career.

Your performance doesn’t just impact your income; it also shapes your reputation within the freelancing community. A strong reputation for delivering quality work on time can lead to more job offers. This gives you the flexibility to choose projects that truly interest you!

As a freelancer, you’ll likely start at the bottom, which means you might not receive many project offers initially, making it difficult to earn a substantial income. However, staying motivated is crucial. Remind yourself that your hard work will eventually pay off with more and better job offers. As the saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”

Keeping the Creative Spark Alive

Maintaining your creative edge can be challenging when you’re constantly under the pressure of deadlines. When the focus shifts to finishing a project within a tight schedule, the priority often becomes completion over creativity or aesthetics. This approach leaves little room to enjoy the very passion that led you to freelancing.

It’s crucial to nurture your passion, or it may gradually fade away. If you’re losing motivation, this could be the reason. Dedicate some time to explore designs related to your field of interest. Visit art museums or galleries. Sketch something just for the joy of it.

creative spark

As long as you’re creating art for pleasure and not solely for work, you’ll keep your creative spark alive. Working relentlessly on your projects can easily snuff out this spark, as you may begin to associate your passion with stress.

Work can indeed create a complex dynamic between you and your passion. While you love your work, you may also resent the fact that your livelihood now depends on what was once just a hobby or a favorite pastime. The joy can quickly fade when a significant responsibility is attached to what was once a source of pure enjoyment.

Leveraging Flexibility as a Freelancer

One of the greatest benefits of freelancing is the flexibility it offers. Unlike many traditional jobs, freelancing allows you to set your own schedule. You have the freedom to take breaks, enjoy meals, or step away from your workspace whenever you choose. However, this freedom can also lead to procrastination, especially when you’re solely responsible for monitoring your own work.

To combat procrastination and maintain motivation, it’s important to allow yourself regular rest periods. Just as nutritionists recommend eating several small meals throughout the day to prevent unhealthy snacking, taking frequent short breaks can help manage your workload. This approach prevents you from becoming overwhelmed by long stretches of work and reduces the likelihood of taking an entire day off.

freelancer relaxing home office

In addition to maintaining motivation, frequent breaks can enhance your productivity and focus. Psychologists have discovered a phenomenon known as the “primacy effect,” which suggests that we absorb and remember information most effectively at the beginning of a work session. Therefore, by taking several breaks, you’re essentially creating multiple “beginnings,” which can improve your overall work performance and mood.

In conclusion, the flexibility of freelancing can be a powerful tool for maintaining motivation and enhancing productivity when used wisely. This can lead to improved performance on your projects, providing further motivation to continue delivering high-quality work.

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https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancers-motivation-tips/feed/ 30
How to Stay Professional When You’re Working From Home https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/work-from-home-professionally/ Thu, 27 Jul 2023 10:01:35 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=68303 Embrace working from home without losing your professional edge with these helpful guidelines.

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Working from home can be a positive experience, although it may initially seem more monotonous than working in an office. The key is to maintain your professionalism regardless of your location.

Work can be enjoyable anywhere, as long as you approach it with passion. Embrace every moment of your work to avoid feeling lethargic during long hours.

Before you start working from home, prepare your workspace. Ensure the room is comfortable and free from distractions during your working hours.

A tidy workspace is essential, as a clean and organized room can make you feel more inclined to spend time there.

Have you ever considered the potential discomforts of working from home? These could include external noise, interruptions from household members, among other factors. These distractions can lead to a lack of focus and may affect your professionalism. However, rest assured, you can still maintain your professionalism while working from home and carry out your tasks smoothly.

Are you ready to uphold your professionalism while working from home? Here are some tips to help you:

1. Be Available During Office Hours

working from home

Even when working from home, it’s essential to maintain a professional demeanor and adhere to your office hours. This doesn’t mean you have the liberty to step away from your workspace or disengage from work whenever you wish.

Until the end of your working hours, it’s crucial to remain accessible and connected with your boss and colleagues. Always be ready to respond promptly to any work-related queries or tasks.

During work hours, avoid taking leisurely walks or meal breaks that could potentially disrupt your workflow. Such behavior could be perceived as unprofessional and may reflect poorly on your work ethic.

Instead, focus on completing your assigned tasks efficiently. If you’ve finished your work, it’s better to appear engaged in some work-related activity rather than appearing too relaxed.

If you start to feel bored or restless from staying in one place, it’s okay to occasionally use your phone to connect with someone who can re-energize you and boost your enthusiasm for work. However, remember that it’s essential to maintain a balance and not get too engrossed in your phone.

The key is to stay focused and committed to your work, even when you’re working from home.

2. Respond to Messages Promptly

answering emails

The second key to maintaining professionalism while working from home is to respond promptly to messages from your clients. This assures them that you are actively engaged on your social media platforms.

Prompt responses not only demonstrate your professionalism but also convey that you prioritize your customers. This perception can significantly enhance your reputation.

Therefore, to avoid losing customers due to delayed responses, strive to reply as quickly as possible.

Additionally, ensure that your phone or laptop battery is sufficiently charged, as you will need these devices for extended periods.

3. Punctuality for Meetings

virtual meeting from home

Always ensure punctuality for meetings. Familiarize yourself with the schedule and remember the timings to avoid tardiness.

Being prompt for a meeting, whether in-person or via Zoom, demonstrates your professionalism and readiness to commit your time.

Admittedly, online meetings can sometimes feel tedious, as they require continuous attention in front of a laptop, which can lead to eye strain and fatigue.

However, strive to maintain an engaged demeanor during the meeting. Position yourself comfortably to facilitate optimal participation and attentiveness throughout the meeting.

4. Maintain Professionalism

standby during office hours

The final point to consider is maintaining a professional appearance. Pay attention to your grooming; for women, consider wearing lipstick to prevent your lips from appearing dry. Presenting yourself with a fresh face can demonstrate your professionalism.

Even though you’re working from home, your appearance should still be a priority to maintain an elegant look.

If you work with a lackluster expression and are dressed casually, it may be challenging to be perceived as a professional.

Others will appreciate your professional demeanor, leading to admiration and respect.


To maintain professionalism while working from home, it’s crucial to emulate the same work ethic as if you were in an office setting. The location of your work should not be an excuse to alter the standards and rules typically adhered to.

Therefore, don’t let your environment be a justification for not delivering quality work.

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How to Find, Enter and Maintain Your Writing Zone https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/finding-writing-zone/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/finding-writing-zone/#comments Thu, 20 Jul 2023 10:01:38 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=19383 Get in the writing zone with ease. Learn methods to align mind and body for a supercharged writing mode.

The post How to Find, Enter and Maintain Your Writing Zone appeared first on Hongkiat.

The concept of a “runner’s zone” is a familiar one – it’s a state that’s achieved after prolonged running, where your body finds its optimal performance level. Your breathing synchronizes with your movements, creating a sense of being “in the zone”. This phenomenon isn’t exclusive to runners; writers experience it too. It’s that sweet spot where our minds and bodies work in harmony.

When a writer enters this zone, elements like inspiration, imagination, posture, keyboard proficiency, focus, concentration, and even the perfect dose of emotion all align. This alignment allows us to type faster, make fewer errors, automatically correct the errors we do make, and essentially shift into a supercharged writing mode.

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Giotto’s Circle: An Example of the Zone

The renowned 13th-century Roman artist, Giotto, is rumored to have known about this zone and learned to access it at will. When Pope Boniface VIII was selecting artists for commissions at Saint Peters, he sent a courier to all the notable artists for a sample, including Giotto.

Why Giotto Was Chosen by the Pope

Upon hearing the courier’s request, Giotto entered his zone, dipped his brush in red paint, and drew a circle. He handed this to the courier, who was visibly insulted. The courier, misunderstanding Giotto’s intent, reported to the Pope that Giotto had shown disrespect by not using any tools, but simply drawing a large, red circle with a paintbrush.

However, the Pope, being astute, had his people examine it. Giotto had drawn a perfect circle freehand, seemingly without any thought, preparation, meditation, or gimmicks. He was in the ZONE!

But how did he achieve this? That’s an excellent question.

The Four-Step Flow Process

Different writers have different methods and names for this state. Some call it the writer’s zone, others the kill zone, and some simply “the flow”. I have a 4-step process that helps me enter the zone almost every time.

1. Leave Your Troubles Behind

The first step is to let go of everything. To reach a state where words flow freely, we need to stop worrying about mistakes, misspelled words, grammar, or even time. We can fix everything later.

writing creative flow

For now, we just write. Once we’re fully immersed, you’ll be surprised to find that you make fewer mistakes. Also, stop being your own worst critic. Let go of everything.

2. Find a Quiet Time and Place

Choose your workspace carefully. Being in the zone is of little use if you’re constantly interrupted. If you need to leave the house to find peace, do so (and leave your troubles behind). I have an office with a lockable door, but I also have a park with a bench nearby. Be creative with your workspace.

quite place for writing
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3. Clear Your Mind by Writing

Write about anything. It doesn’t have to be about your current project initially. Even if your mind is blank, just start writing. If you begin to struggle, keep writing as fast and as hard as you can. After a few minutes, it starts to become easier.

The idea is to clear your system of distractions. You’re revisiting step one, letting go. You’re in a distraction-free place and time, and you’re writing. All the elements of being in the zone are aligning.

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Tips to Write Fast and Professionally

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4. Pause, Breathe, and Wait for Your Starting Point

You’re writing, you’re not distracted, and you don’t care about anything. Continue this for several minutes until you feel a shift. When you feel it, stop and breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. Wait for your starting point. Sometimes it comes quickly, sometimes slowly, but it will come if you wait. The moment you find your starting point, start typing.

meditating taking break from work

This self-hypnosis technique helps many writers find their writing zone, or flow, or whatever you choose to call it. It’s also a useful method for overcoming writer’s block.

Finding Your Rhythm

find your rythm

Once you’ve reached the last step and begin to write, the words seem to flow from your mind and your body is completely relaxed. You form a symmetry between them that allows for an excellent writing session without the muscle cramps or aches that can accompany it.

Once you’ve found your rhythm, enjoy it!

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How to Craft Professional Resume with ChatGPT https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/create-resume-with-chatgpt/ Wed, 19 Jul 2023 13:01:20 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=68206 Why write a resume from scratch when you can leverage the help of machine learning?

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The importance of a well-crafted resume in the job search process cannot be overstated. It is your first point of contact with potential employers and plays a pivotal role in securing interviews and ultimately, the job. Therefore, it’s crucial that your resume is as refined and professional as possible.

chatgpt writing resume

The emergence of AI text generators like ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for job seekers. These tools can be leveraged to help create, enhance, and fine-tune your resume, making it more attractive to potential employers and increasing your chances of leaving a lasting impression. The key to harnessing the power of ChatGPT lies in writing effective prompts – essentially, communicating your needs clearly to the AI.

In this article, we will explore how you can tap into the power of ChatGPT to create a professional-looking resume.

Step 1.

Firstly, let’s embark on a journey to find a job that aligns with your skills and interests. Suppose you’ve discovered a position as a Principal DevOps at ClickUp that piques your interest and aligns perfectly with your qualifications and requirements.

sample resume

Step 2.

Now, let’s leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT to assist us in creating a professional and compelling resume.

Ask the following question in ChatGPT, ideally ChatGPT-4 if it’s accessible to you.

Could you assist me in creating a professional resume tailored to a specific job description?

ChatGPT will undoubtedly respond affirmatively (of course!),

chatgpt answer

Step 3.

Initially, it will require the job description. If you believe the job description on the ClickUp page is an ideal fit, you simply need to copy the entire job description (make minor edits if necessary) …

copy job desc

then add “this is the job description” before it and paste it as a response to ChatGPT.

Here's the job description.

Direct Platform engineering towards a holistic view of infrastructure architecture using standardization patterns across multiple engineering teams 
Develop, build, and maintain CI/CD pipelines while helping developers translate POC solutions to production-ready templates in terraform and CDK (we use both).
Build a foundation of solid and proven competency in the concept, planning, and implementation of complex software solutions.
Develop best practices for application development/software engineering, covering Full Stack, Devops, QA, Cybersecurity, Monitoring.
Responsible for overseeing the full product development lifecycle, from gathering requirements, to prioritizing features, assisting engineers writing specifications, reviewing execution plans and ensuring alignment against strategic technology development goals.
Resolve ambiguity, highlight risk, and provide predictable estimates for deliverables
Balance resources across multiple projects already in flight, and build plans for upcoming roadmap deliverables.
Identify risks early and often, and suggest mitigation strategies that consider multiple paths and pragmatic solutions. Be able to offer alternative approaches, balancing technology and business requirements against time and resources.
Significant experience working with cross-functional teams like product management, sales, data science, marketing, etc., as well as external third-party vendors
A rigorous approach to testing: unit testing, functional testing, integration testing
Creating and managing CI/CD pipelines to support deployment and lifecycle management
Step 4.

Next, it will need information about your work experience, educational history, skills, and qualifications.

If you meet the basic requirements for the ClickUp job, simply copy and paste the bullet points from the requirements.

copy requirements

And and provide this information to ChatGPT.

Here are my qualifications.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science/Engineering or equivalent major.
8+ years experience with Terraform and/or CloudFormation using high volume logging solutions (OpenSearch, Kafka, fluentbit/FluentD)
8+ years experience in managing cloud environments/systems
Direct experience in Full Stack application development from scratch
Global project-level design and architecture exposure in building large scale enterprise SaaS solutions using cloud technologies.
Significant experience working with cross-functional teams like product management, sales, data science, marketing, etc., as well as external third-party vendors
Demonstrated/Expert knowledge use of Elastic Stack/OpenSearch and/or PostgresSQL 

As for the rest, place them in a placeholder, I'll fill them up later.
Step 5.

ChatGPT will then begin to construct your resume, utilizing all the information it has collected. For any details it doesn’t possess, it will create placeholders in the appropriate format, allowing you to fill them in at a later time.

The output from ChatGPT should look something like the following:

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address] | [Your Phone Number] | [Your Email Address] | [LinkedIn Profile if any]

Professional Summary

Experienced platform engineer with over 8 years of experience in managing high-volume cloud environments and building large-scale enterprise SaaS solutions. Expertise in Terraform, CloudFormation, and Full Stack application development from scratch. Significant experience collaborating with cross-functional teams and external vendors. Looking to leverage my knowledge and experience in a dynamic and progressive tech environment.


Expertise in Terraform and/or CloudFormation
Full Stack application development
Managing high-volume cloud environments
Strong understanding of Elastic Stack/OpenSearch and PostgreSQL
Proficient in creating and managing CI/CD pipelines
Strong knowledge of Cybersecurity, QA, and Monitoring
Excellent cross-functional team collaboration
Project-level design and architecture of large-scale SaaS solutions
Work Experience

[Your Current/Last Job Title] | [Your Company Name] | [Start Date – End Date]

[Key responsibility #1]
[Key responsibility #2]
[Key responsibility #3]
[Achievement #1]
[Achievement #2]
[Your Previous Job Title] | [Your Company Name] | [Start Date – End Date]

[Key responsibility #1]
[Key responsibility #2]
[Key responsibility #3]
[Achievement #1]
[Achievement #2]
(Add more work experiences as necessary)


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Engineering | [Your University Name] | [Year of Graduation]


[Certification name], [Issuing authority], [Date received]
(Add more certifications as necessary)


[Language #1]
[Language #2]
(Add more languages as necessary)

Awards and Recognitions

[Award/Recognition #1], [Year]
[Award/Recognition #2], [Year]
(Add more awards and recognitions as necessary)

Creating a job resume can be a breeze with ChatGPT. Once you’ve found a job that aligns with your requirements and job scope, all you need to do is provide these details to ChatGPT. It will then generate a professional-looking template, incorporating all the necessary information.

However, it’s crucial to remember not to rely solely on ChatGPT. Always double-check to ensure all the content in the resume is accurate before submitting it for job applications.

The post How to Craft Professional Resume with ChatGPT appeared first on Hongkiat.

10 Essential Tools to Manage Your Freelance Business Better https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelance-business-tools/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelance-business-tools/#comments Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:01:22 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=17846 Looking to manage your freelance work better? Check out these 10 tools for accounting, collaboration, and more."

The post 10 Essential Tools to Manage Your Freelance Business Better appeared first on Hongkiat.

There’s no two ways about it: freelancing is a business. But it’s a business that can be started on a shoestring budget. Because freelancing is so easy to start, we often forget that, like any business, we need to invest in the right tools for our freelance business to grow.

In this post, we will see 10 of these tools, which provide a wide variety of assistance to make it easier for you to focus on your tasks rather than meddle with repetitive ones that can be easily automated.

Whether you are going at your freelance business solo or with a small group of collaborators, these tools (and some suggestions of similar apps) are going to fit right at home with the rest of the team and ensure you have all the help you need to propel your freelance business to success.

1. Wave Accounting


Wave is a Cloud-based invoicing, accounting, payroll, payments and personal finance app for freelancers, contractors and entrepreneurs. Specifically, it’s for people running businesses with nine employees or fewer.

They explain it best themselves:

Most "small business software" isn’t actually built for small businesses. It’s really meant for medium-sized businesses with dozens and sometimes hundreds of employees. (Just look at how complicated and expensive they are…!) But there’s a world of difference between the needs of a 5-person company and a 55-person company. So we build Wave for businesses with 9 employees or less, including all those one-person shops out there. And that makes for a much better fit between our products and your needs.

Related: 10 Invoicing & Accounting Tools For Freelancers

Check out Wave Accounting

2. Trello


Trello is a free, online collaboration tool that’s organized by boards, lists and cards. Think of a Trello board as a whiteboard with the name of your project as its title. A ‘card’ is an item on your lits and every entry is treated as a “card” that you can drag around and do a bunch of cool stuff with. These cards can be organized under any list like ‘to-do’, ‘doing’ and ‘done’.

You can also attach files, images etc. to each card and add as many people as you want on board for collaboration. Changes appear in real-time. So if your team’s working on a project together at the same time, the changes will appear without you having to refresh your page.

Related: Top Collaboration Apps For Project Managers

Check out Trello

3. MailChimp


Email newsletter marketing is one of the best ways to get the word out about your business. It helps keep your clients and customers updated about news related to your business, gives you a platform to reach out to them whenever you want and gives you an opportunity to show them your expertise.

Mailchimp is one of the best newsletter services out there. Not only does it have an awesome free plan, it also has a friendly user interface.

Related: 21 Free Email Marketing Tools to Create Stunning Newsletters

Check out MailChimp

4. SlideShare

  • Great for: Upload and share presentations online
  • Alternative: Prezi

Freelancers need to show what they do and how they can help their clients achieve the results they want. The better a freelancer can explain how he can help his clients; the easier it is to find work. Presentations are a great way to do that.

Also, SlideShare gets 60 million unique visitors a month. Even a small fraction of those visitors equal to a lot of eyeballs on your work. You can even embed the presentation on your website and include it in your online marketing efforts.

Related: 15 Online Presentation Tools to Win Over Your Audience

Check out SlideShare

5. Falcon


In business, the more you know about your customer or client, the better and more personal your service is. Falcon helps you find out those small details that make a difference when closing a deal.

Falcon is a browser app that gets you to contact profiles right inside your email or social networks by hovering over the person’s name.

Check out Falcon

6. Contactually

  • Great for: Better relationship-management
  • Alternatives: Nimble, Insightly
Contactually CRM

For freelancers, client relationships are everything. Contactually helps you keep those relationships alive. It is by far the most meaningful contact management tool that I’ve come across.

Falcon manages your contacts and prompts you to take action and tracks your progress. It also provides context like social media updates and your previous interactions with them to help you personalize your contact with them.

And even though it’s not a free tool, it’s worth every penny if you’re serious about growing your business.

Check out Contactually

7. Mailstrom

  • Great for: Clean up your email inbox
  • Alternative: Sanebox

Email – it’s the bane of every webpreneur’s online existence. Mailstrom helps you clean up your Inbox in just a few clicks. Not only does it help you unsubscribe from unnecessary email newsletters, but it also shows you whose emails you ignore the most.

It also shows you what time you get your most emails, which social networks clutter your Inbox the most etc.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re struggling with email, try it out. It’s free.

Check out Mailstrom

8. Hootsuite

  • Great for: Social media management
  • Alternative: Tweetdeck

Hootsuite lets you connect every major social network under a single account. You can send status updates to more than one social network at a time and even schedule them to automatically post at a scheduled date and time.

Their free plan is great for beginners, so don’t hesitate to try it out!

Check out Hootsuite

9. Bidsketch

  • Great for: Create project proposal in minutes
  • Alternative: Proposable

Sending project proposals is one of the core activities of any freelance business. Creating one can take up a lot of time though – time you aren’t paid for.

BidSketch helps you create beautiful, well-organized project proposals in half the time it usually takes you. They offer pre-built templates and landing pages, electronic signatures and personal branding.

While BidSketch isn’t a free tool, it is reasonably priced for the freelancer who sends out a lot of project proposals to clients.

Check out Bidsketch

10. Dashlane

  • Great for: Credentials managements
  • Alternative: 1Password

Using the above services means that at any given time, you’ll have 16 usernames and passwords to keep track of – at least. Dashlane is a password manager, autofill and e-wallet all rolled into one.

What makes them so unique is that they don’t store your master password. You’re the only one who has the password to their account.

Of course, it also means that if you lose your Dashlane password, there’s no way they can recover it for you. Eek!

Related: 15 Best Password Managers

Check out Dashlane


No matter how good the tools you use are, they won’t do you much good unless you utilize them properly. Take the time to research the tools you use before you pay for them or start using them. Take advantage of the free trial most tools offer to find out if the tool will be a good fit.

And once you start using them, stick to them and create a system that’ll help you save time and impress clients at the same time.

Which tools have helped you propel your freelance business to success?

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Top 10 Invoicing & Accounting Tools For Freelancers https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/accounting-invoicing-services-for-freelance-designers/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/accounting-invoicing-services-for-freelance-designers/#comments Thu, 29 Jun 2023 13:01:58 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=9460 Compilation of free invoicing tools and services to handle your billing systems and invoices. Some of them are totally free!

The post Top 10 Invoicing & Accounting Tools For Freelancers appeared first on Hongkiat.

Freelancers usually handle many jobs at the same time, including the grueling task of billing clients. Alternatively, with the help of reliable invoicing and accounting tools, they can achieve a lot in a little time. But with so many accounting tools out there, it gets frustrating to pick the right one.

Hence, we bring this list of the best invoice and accounting tools for freelancers to help them in finance management. So, run through the list and decide which one aligns with your needs the best.

1. Netsuite Cloud Accounting


NetSuite Cloud Accounting Software is like a handy online tool that can help freelancers manage their work and finances all in one place. It’s made by the company Oracle. Think of it as a digital assistant that helps you keep track of your money, clients, and projects.

For freelancers, the accounting part of NetSuite is especially useful. It can help you handle your income and expenses automatically and in real-time. This means you can easily keep track of what you’re earning from your clients and what you’re spending on your business. It can also help you manage your taxes and keep track of your assets, like any equipment you’ve bought for your work. Plus, you can check your financial data at any time, so you always know how you’re doing financially. It even has a feature that helps you understand your financial data better, so you can make smart decisions about your freelance business.

Create Invoice with Netsuite

2. Freshbooks


Freshbooks is one of the best invoicing services available online. It offers an amazing interface and the ability to add and manage a list of clients. You can also track your expenses in real time, which comes in handy if you work on an hourly rate basis.

With Freshbooks, you can send your client’s user id and password so they can access their invoices online. It has a free 30-day trial pack with which you can handle 3 clients at max.


The paid plans start from $19.95 per month, which offers great additional tools and benefits.

Create Invoice with Freshbooks

3. Zoho Books

Zoho Books

With Zoho Books, you can manage your finances and automate workflow so you can focus on your work without worrying about billing and budgets.

The app is so intuitive that anyone, even without any prior experience in managing finances, will find it a breeze. From receivables, payables, and inventory to banking, time tracking, and developing financial reports, Zoho can handle everything. It is also very intuitive and user-friendly.


Zoho Books is free to start. The Free plan provides access to most of the features you need when it comes to basic invoicing needs. There are also paid plans like the Standard plan which cost $15/month, Professional plan which cost $40/month, and so on. Paid plans allow you to invite more users, and integrate Zoho Books with other apps and more useful features.

Create Invoice with Zoho Books

4. Zoho Invoice

Zoho Invoice

Zoho Invoice is another invoice-creating service that helps you manage the finances of your freelance business. Its intuitive dashboard with the tabbed interface really provides a great user experience.

It has many invoice templates that make the process of creating personalized invoices even easier. Moreover, Zoho Invoice integrates PayPal and Google Checkout in invoice creation so your clients can have a hassle-free payment experience.


There’s a free version of Zoho Invoice to manage up to 5 invoices/estimates per month with a maximum of 2 users. Paid packages include a basic package of $8 per month to the elite package of $35 per month.

Create Invoice with Zoho Invoice

5. LessAccounting


Less Accounting is a minimalistic approach to invoicing. A sleek user interface with no confusing options and menu settings is what Less Accounting is all about.

The dashboard provides insights into everything being done in your invoice account. Additionally, Less Accounting integrates expense tracking functionality. And the best part? They also have an iPhone App!


With a free 7-day trial, pricing starts from $12 per month.

Create Invoice with LessAccounting

6. Bill4Time


Bill4Time is software for invoicing, time, and billing. From freelance designers to lawyers, accountants, consultants, etc., anyone can use it for professional invoicing.

The best feature of Bill4Time is the free desktop widget that provides free video training lessons. Additionally, the tool also has a free iOS and Android mobile app.


Bill4Time offers a very limited free account and the premium package starts from $15.99 per month.

Create Invoice with Bill4Time

7. WorkEtc

WorkEtc Invoice

More than just an invoice solution, WORKetc is a total business management tool. It’s a multi-functional tool that works as a SaaS (software as a Service) tool as well as a CRM tool. As a result, WORKetc solves many issues that freelance designers face with invoice billing systems.

For instance, over time, the resources and billing cycles of freelance designers can increase exponentially. In such situations, WORKetc may offer many advantages to its users.


Pricing starts from $29.95 per month.

Create Invoice with WorkEtc

8. PaySimple


PaySimple is your virtual accounts receivable specialist, as they put themselves. This invoicing tool combines a recurring bill setup and invoice-sending system which also accepts credit cards and ACH/e-checks online.

In addition to that, they also store your data securely and also have the functionality to deposit funds automatically.


With a free setup, PaySimple will cost you $34.95 per month.

Create Invoice with PaySimple

9. SimplyBill


SimplyBill provides a wide array of options when it comes to online invoicing for freelance web designers. With SimplyBill you can also automatically create PDFs of your invoices and can also track payments online.


Pricing plans include 3 different categories and range from $5 to $25 per month.

Create Invoice with SimplyBill

10. Due


Rather ordinary, however Due is a full-featured online invoicing service that can save you time and money. Whether you’re a freelancer or a small/ medium-sized company owner, Due has useful features for all your invoicing needs.

Create Invoice with Due

Bonus: Invoice2Go


Invoice2go is the fast and easy way to invoice, estimate, bill, collect and report. There are over 300 Templates to choose from. Even better all these templates can be customized to your own needs.

Invoice2go offers you to add your logo, and move fields – you can even create your very own business forms. It has got a windows application plus an iPhone app too. With a free 30 day trial, Invoice2go looks like a decent software to play with.

Create Invoice with Invoice2Go

Bonus: BlinkSale


Blinksale is perfect for anyone who needs to invoice clients for services or products sold. It is ideal for attorneys, accountants, designers, IT professionals, journalists, contractors, and just about anyone who works on an hourly basis.


Blinksale however does not have any trial or free plans. Its plans start from $6 per month and go up to $99 per month.

Create Invoice with BlinkSale

Bonus: Invoicera


Invoicera is a very cool invoice service with many amazing features and integrated services. Multiple currency support, customized invoice templates, sending invoices to multiple contacts, and multiple payment gateway integration are some of its hot features.


In terms of pricing plans, Invoicera offers a free trial account and the paid plans range from $9.95 per month to $49.95 per month.

Create Invoice with Invoicera

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Perfecting Your Emails (20 Common Mistakes to Avoid) https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/english-mistakes-email/ Mon, 19 Jun 2023 13:01:11 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=67353 Elevate your email skills by avoiding 20 common mistakes. Learn to write clear, concise, and professional emails with our guide.

The post Perfecting Your Emails (20 Common Mistakes to Avoid) appeared first on Hongkiat.

Whether you’re a business owner, an employee, or a freelancer, your ability to convey your thoughts clearly and professionally in an email can make a significant difference in your professional relationships and career growth.

email writing

This guide aims to elevate your email writing skills by highlighting some common mistakes people often make, and providing practical tips to sound more professional in your emails. From understanding the correct usage of ‘your’ and ‘you’re‘, to maintaining a professional tone, to crafting concise and clear emails, this article is your go-to resource for effective professional email communication.

Read on to avoid common pitfalls and learn how to write emails that not only communicate effectively but also leave a positive impression.

20 Common Mistakes in Email


Misusing “Your” and “You’re”: This is a common mistake where “your” (possessive) is confused with “you’re” (contraction of “you are“).

Incorrect: I hope your doing well.

Correct: I hope you’re doing well.


Improper use of “Its” and “It’s”:Its” is possessive, while “it’s” is a contraction of “it is” or “it has“.

Incorrect: Its been a long time since we last met.

Correct: It’s been a long time since we last met.


Excessive Use of Exclamation Points: Using too many exclamation points can make the message seem unprofessional.

Incorrect: Thanks for your help!!!

Correct: Thanks for your help.


Run-On Sentences: These can make an email difficult to understand. Breaking long sentences into shorter ones can improve readability.

Incorrect: I received your message and I want to let you know that I will be available for the meeting tomorrow and I will bring the documents you requested.

Correct: I received your message. I want to let you know that I will be available for the meeting tomorrow. I will bring the documents you requested.


Incorrect use of “Their”, “They’re”, and “There”:Their” is possessive, “they’re” is a contraction of “they are“, and “there” refers to a place.

Incorrect: There going to bring their car to the meeting.

Correct: They’re going to bring their car to the meeting.


Using Slang or Informal Language: Emails, especially professional ones, should avoid slang and maintain a formal tone.

Incorrect: Hey dude, can u check this out?

Correct: Hi John, could you please take a look at this?


Not Using Commas correctly: Commas can drastically change the meaning of a sentence if not used correctly.

Incorrect: Let’s eat grandpa.

Correct: Let’s eat, grandpa.


Capitalization Errors: Failing to capitalize proper nouns or starting sentences with a lowercase letter can make the email look unprofessional.

Incorrect: i hope you are well, john.

Correct: I hope you are well, John.


Not Proofreading: This can lead to a number of errors, including typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect information.

Incorrect: I look forwand to meeting with you.

Correct: I look forward to meeting with you.


Being Too Wordy: Using too many words can make your message confusing and time-consuming to read.

Incorrect: I was just writing to let you know that I have reviewed the document you sent over and I think that it is in pretty good shape overall, but I think there are a few small changes that could be made that would improve it.

Correct: I’ve reviewed your document. It’s in good shape but could use a few minor changes.


Not Using a Proper Salutation: Starting an email without a proper greeting can seem impolite or too abrupt.

Incorrect: About the meeting tomorrow…

Correct: Dear John, I would like to discuss the meeting tomorrow…


Misuse of “Less” and “Fewer”:Less” is used with singular mass nouns, while “fewer” is used with plural countable items.

Incorrect: We need less employees for this project.

Correct: We need fewer employees for this project.


Incorrect use of “affect” and “effect”:Affect” is typically a verb meaning to influence, while “effect” is typically a noun meaning result.

Incorrect: The change in policy had a negative affect on the team.

Correct: The change in policy had a negative effect on the team.


Ending a Sentence with a Preposition: While not always wrong, it is often better to avoid ending sentences with prepositions in formal writing.

Incorrect: The meeting is something I am not available for.

Correct: I am not available for the meeting.


Subject-Verb Agreement Mistakes: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number.

Incorrect: The team of managers are in a meeting.

Correct: The team of managers is in a meeting.


Using “Then” Instead of “Than”:Then” typically refers to time, while “than” is used in comparisons.

Incorrect: Your report is more detailed then mine.

Correct: Your report is more detailed than mine.


Incorrect Use of Semi-Colons: Semi-colons are used to connect closely related independent clauses. They are not just a fancy substitute for a comma or a colon.

Incorrect: I have a meeting at 5; we can meet after.

Correct: I have a meeting at 5. We can meet after.


Using “Me” Instead of “I” and Vice Versa: The misuse of pronouns “me” and “I” is a common mistake. “I” is a subject pronoun and “me” is an object pronoun.

Incorrect: John and me went to the meeting.

Correct: John and I went to the meeting.


Not Using the Oxford Comma: The Oxford comma is the comma used immediately before the coordinating conjunction (usually “and” or “or“) in a list of three or more items. Its omission can sometimes cause confusion.

Incorrect: I would like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God.

Correct: I would like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand, and God.


Spelling Mistakes: These are quite common and can change the meaning of the sentence or make it hard to understand.

Incorrect: I’ll see you latter.

Correct: I’ll see you later.

Bonus: How to Sound More Professional in Email


Use a Professional Greeting: Start with a formal salutation that addresses the recipient by name.

Example: Instead of “Hey“, use “Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]” or “Dear [First Name]“.


Be Clear and Concise: Keep your email as short and as clear as possible. Don’t use more words than necessary.

Example: Instead of “I was just reaching out to let you know that I received the document you sent over“, say “I received the document you sent“.


Avoid Slang or Informal Language: Use proper English and avoid abbreviations and jargon unless you’re sure the recipient understands them.

Example: Instead of “Can u check this ASAP?“, say “Could you please review this at your earliest convenience?


Use a Professional Tone: Try to maintain a formal or semi-formal tone in your email.

Example: Instead of “Hey, what’s up with the report?“, say “Could you please provide an update on the report?


Proofread Your Emails: Always check your emails for grammatical errors, typos, and incorrect information before sending them.

Example: Instead of “I look forwand to our meeting“, say “I look forward to our meeting“.


Use Proper Sign-Off: End your email with a professional closing, followed by your name.

Example: Instead of “Cheers“, use “Kind regards, [Your Name]” or “Sincerely, [Your Name]“.


Structure Your Email Properly: Use paragraphs to break up your content. It makes your email easier to read.

Example: Break up your points into different paragraphs rather than having them in one block of text.


Be Polite: Use phrases like “please”, “thank you”, “would you mind”, etc.

Example: Instead of “Send me the report“, say “Could you please send me the report?


Avoid Using ALL CAPS: Writing in all capital letters can come across as shouting.

Example: Instead of “URGENT: SEND THE REPORT“, say “Urgent: Please send the report“.


Avoid Excessive Use of Exclamation Points: Overuse of exclamation points can seem unprofessional and overly emotional.

Example: Instead of “Thanks!!!“, say “Thank you.

The post Perfecting Your Emails (20 Common Mistakes to Avoid) appeared first on Hongkiat.

How Monday.com Can Revolutionize Your Freelance Business https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/monday-com-for-freelancers/ Thu, 08 Jun 2023 13:01:28 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=67269 Explore how Monday.com can boost your freelance productivity with task management, time tracking, and more.

The post How Monday.com Can Revolutionize Your Freelance Business appeared first on Hongkiat.

In the dynamic world of freelancing, staying organized and efficient is the key to success. With a myriad of tasks to manage, clients to please, and deadlines to meet, having a robust project management tool can be a game-changer.

That’s where Monday.com comes in.

This powerful platform is packed with features designed to streamline your workflow, boost your productivity, and elevate your freelance business to new heights.

In this guide, we explore the features of Monday.com that are particularly beneficial for freelancers, from task management and time tracking to collaboration tools and client management. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, this should equip you with the knowledge to leverage this tool for maximum freelance success.

Learn more about Monday.com

Task Management

monday.com task management

Monday.com’s task management feature is a comprehensive tool that allows freelancers to stay on top of their work. You can create individual tasks, assign them to specific projects, and set deadlines for each. Each task can be broken down into subtasks, allowing you to manage complex projects with ease.

You can also prioritize tasks based on their importance or urgency. The platform provides a visual representation of your tasks, making it easy to see what needs to be done and when. This feature is particularly useful for freelancers who juggle multiple projects or clients at the same time.

Find out more.

Time Tracking

time tracking using monday.com

Time tracking is an essential feature for freelancers, especially those who bill by the hour. With Monday.com, you can track the time you spend on each task or project.

This feature allows you to accurately bill your clients and also helps you understand how much time you’re spending on different tasks. Over time, this can provide valuable insights into your work habits and help you become more efficient.

Find out more.

Collaboration Tools

monday.com collab tools

Monday.com offers a suite of collaboration tools that make it easy to work with clients or other freelancers. You can share files, leave comments on tasks, and provide real-time updates on your progress. The platform also supports @mentions, which can be used to draw someone’s attention to a specific task or comment. These features make it easy to keep everyone involved in a project on the same page.

Find out more.

Project Planning

project planning with monday.com

With Monday.com, you can plan out your projects in detail. You can set goals for each project, create a timeline, and track your progress against these goals. The platform’s visual project planning tools make it easy to see at a glance how your project is progressing. This can be particularly useful when you’re juggling multiple projects at once, as it allows you to quickly identify any potential issues or delays.

Find out more.

Automations and Integrations

monday.com 3rd party integration

Monday.com allows you to automate routine tasks, saving you time and effort. For example, you can set up automations to move tasks to different stages based on their status, send notifications when a task is due, or automatically assign tasks to yourself when they’re created. The platform also integrates with a wide range of other tools, including Google Drive for file storage, Slack for communication, and Zoom for video conferencing. These integrations can help streamline your workflow and make you more efficient.

Find out more.

Client Management

client management with monday.com

Managing client relationships is a crucial part of freelancing, and Monday.com makes this easy. You can track all your communication with a client, manage their projects, and store important information about them. This can help you provide a better service to your clients and build stronger relationships with them.

Find out more.


monday.com reporting tools

Monday.com provides powerful reporting tools that can help you understand your work habits and productivity. You can generate reports on your tasks, time spent, and project progress. These reports can be used to identify areas where you could be more efficient, or to demonstrate your productivity to clients.

Find out more.


Last but not least, as a cloud-based platform, Monday.com is perfect for remote work. You can access your tasks, projects, and client information from anywhere, at any time. This can be particularly useful for freelancers who travel frequently or work from different locations.

Remember, the effectiveness of these features will depend on your specific needs as a freelancer. It’s always a good idea to take advantage of the free trial to see if the platform works for you.

The post How Monday.com Can Revolutionize Your Freelance Business appeared first on Hongkiat.

3 Marketing Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Customers https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/communication-blunders/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/communication-blunders/#comments Wed, 07 Jun 2023 07:01:57 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=19375 Here are three key areas where freelance designers often falter when trying to attract new clients.

The post 3 Marketing Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Customers appeared first on Hongkiat.

Have you ever tried to converse with someone with whom you don’t share a common language? It can be an amusing experience under the right circumstances, with hand gestures often serving as a great ice breaker. However, if neither party has the words to express themselves adequately, the situation can quickly turn frustrating.

This scenario is not uncommon in the world of freelance design. Freelance designers have a reputation for sending mixed messages to potential clients. They either aim to reach too broad an audience or they haven’t studied their market sufficiently to understand what their ideal clients want to hear.

In this article, we will explore three ways in which freelance designers often miss the mark when trying to attract new clients. More importantly, we will discuss how they can correct their course and start speaking the language.

5 Effective Communication Tactics and Tips for Designers

5 Effective Communication Tactics and Tips for Designers

Communication plays a vital role in the professional life of a designer. There are, however, two types of... Read more

1. Leaving Former Clients in the Cold

It’s a given that problematic clients – those who vanish without settling their bills, or who are so difficult that you’re compelled to terminate their project prematurely – should be permanently removed from your contact list.

If the initial experience with a client was that dreadful, there’s typically no justification for reaching out to them again, unless it’s to recover payment, but that’s a subject for another discussion.

leaving clients

However, what about your commendable clients? Those who were amicable and courteous? The ones who had a clear vision of what they wanted and entrusted you to deliver it? The clients who were prompt with their payments and continue to sing praises of your work? They’ve provided you with an excellent testimonial and a couple of referrals, culminating in a satisfying conclusion for all parties involved.

7 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Clients

7 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Clients

Freelancers live and die by the unofficial 'Client is king' rule. 99% of the time, it's a good... Read more

Maintaining Connections

The completion of a project often brings a sense of accomplishment, but it can also be tinged with a hint of regret at the prospect of losing touch with a valued client. This sentiment is entirely understandable and, in fact, it underscores a crucial aspect of professional growth – the importance of maintaining connections.

Keeping in touch with past clients might seem like a daunting task, particularly if they don’t have immediate work for you. However, this practice is instrumental in expanding your network and ensuring a steady stream of clients, thereby eliminating the need for constant client hunting.

maintian contact

A simple strategy to stay connected is to send a brief email every quarter. This email could serve as an update on your recent projects, reminding past clients of your capabilities and keeping you fresh in their minds.

Consider this scenario: A former client needs design work done or knows someone who does, even if it’s years from now. Who do you think they are more likely to recommend – the designer who consistently stayed in touch, or the one who disappeared without a trace? The answer is evident.

In conclusion, never underestimate the power of maintaining professional relationships. It’s an investment that can yield significant returns in the long run.

2. The Importance of a Consistent Call to Action

We all know the benefits of having a strong call to action on your design website. More and more designers have jumped on this bandwagon in recent years, with excellent results. They’re pulling in more business with better quality clients who are clear about what they’re looking for.

However, a lot of designers don’t consider where else a call to action might serve them. You might be thinking “Huh? Where else is there to place a call to action except on my website?”

The answer is: pretty much everywhere you put your name.

Effective Call to Action Buttons: Tips and Examples

Effective Call to Action Buttons: Tips and Examples

Call to action buttons on websites are often neglected. Designers sometimes don't understand exactly what makes a good... Read more

Constantly Market Yourself

Got a print portfolio or mailer? Perfect place for an engaging question or two. Business cards? Don’t just list your contact info – tell people to give you a call. If you have a design blog or Facebook page, provide information that’s useful to potential clients, and make sure you encourage them to join your mailing list.

self promotion

Your calls to action across your marketing materials should all be streamlined for one particular purpose. Only you know what that purpose is, but whatever it is, it’s important that you keep it consistent and clear. Perhaps you’re on the hunt for new clients.

Discover what actions people are most likely to take when they’re looking for freelance designers, then give them the incentive to take those actions – no matter how or where they find you..

3. Authenticity in Writing

It may sound cliche, but one of the significant ways freelance designers miss out on potential jobs is by adopting a writing style they believe is more “businesslike”, thereby sacrificing their unique personalities. If you are naturally a more formal individual, then by all means, let that shine through in your marketing and promotional efforts.

However, if you’re like most of us, it’s unlikely that phrases such as “dynamic imperatives” and “synergetic user experience” are part of your everyday vocabulary.

Tone it Down

A classic guideline to follow is this: if you wouldn’t say it out loud, you probably shouldn’t write it either. Remember, you are a human being trying to connect with other human beings. Avoid formal greetings like “To Whom It May Concern” or the dreaded “Dear Sir or Madam”. It’s crucial to communicate with people the way you’d want them to communicate with you.

Imagine if your favorite online retailer bombarded you with a barrage of big, pretentious words in an attempt to persuade you to make a purchase. Chances are, you’d be more inclined to run away than to reach for your credit card. Potential clients feel the same way. They don’t want to have to consult a dictionary just to understand your “about” page.

When in doubt, always opt for what sounds natural to you. This approach will help you connect with more people almost all of the time.

Writing For The Web: Tips & Common Mistakes We Make

Writing For The Web: Tips & Common Mistakes We Make

It could be quite disheartening to learn that you have a reader reading your post, and a message... Read more


Marketing yourself as a freelance designer is a full-time endeavor that necessitates a blend of creativity and a substantial amount of human touch. It’s crucial to communicate in a language that resonates with your potential clients. If you fail to do so, you risk being overlooked, often without even realizing that potential clients were present.

Addressing the gaps in your marketing strategy is of utmost importance. The sooner you mend these, the quicker you’ll start attracting a higher quantity and quality of design clients.

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7 Ways Freelancing is Similar to a Corporate Job https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancing-corporate-jobs-similarities/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/freelancing-corporate-jobs-similarities/#comments Tue, 23 May 2023 07:01:17 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=15360 Explore 7 similarities between freelancing and corporate jobs. Discover how both paths share common professional challenges and rewards.

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When freelancers are asked why they chose freelancing, many respond with sentiments such as ‘I desired to be my own boss,’ ‘I relished the autonomy it offers,’ or ‘I pursued freelancing for its flexibility.’ At the core of these responses is a common goal: breaking free from the constraints of traditional office cubicles.

However, while freelancers may have indeed sidestepped the conventional office environment, they can’t entirely evade the challenges that made their corporate tenure difficult. In fact, as a freelancer, you bear the responsibility of handling tasks that, in a corporate setting, would have been distributed among various departments.

Understanding this, it’s crucial to recognize that certain elements persist, whether you’re part of the corporate landscape or navigating the freelancing world. As such, it’s wise to be well-prepared for these consistent aspects of professional life.

The Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer

The Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer

Freelancing offers freedom, but demands self-discipline and motivation. Read more

1. The Art of Financial Negotiation

In a conventional corporate setting, salaried employees receive a predetermined income along with periodic increments. At first glance, freelancers seem to operate quite differently. They possess the freedom to establish their own rates, and the liberty to adjust them at their discretion. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that the dynamics of financial negotiation are strikingly similar for both freelancers and corporate employees.

The primary distinction lies in the frequency and context of these negotiations. Traditional employees typically only negotiate their salary at the onset of a new job or during performance review cycles aimed at salary adjustments. Conversely, freelancers engage in these financial discussions more routinely, tailoring their rates to each client and project.

financial negotiation

Unless a freelancer adheres to a rigid rate structure publicly displayed on their platform, they are likely to engage in more frequent financial negotiations compared to their full-time corporate counterparts. Thus, the arena of financial negotiation is not as disparate between freelancing and corporate employment as one might initially assume.

8 Must-have Contract Clauses for Freelancers

8 Must-have Contract Clauses for Freelancers

Do you have a contract when you begin a freelance project? If not, then you should. Working without... Read more

2. The Cycle of Accountability

Freelancers often relish the notion that they are solely accountable to themselves. However, a more nuanced perspective reveals a different reality. As freelancers, we indeed answer to our clients. While we may not have someone monitoring our daily tasks or checking in on our progress routinely, when the deadline arrives, clients anticipate results.

In essence, the freelance professional remains beholden to the client’s expectations. Failure to meet a deadline is not a simple matter of offering an apology. Detailed explanations must be furnished, and in many instances, a client is entirely justified in reducing compensation due to delayed submissions.

While traditional employees are accountable to their supervisors, freelancers are responsible to their clients. The cycle of responsibility remains intact; only the individuals we are answerable to change. Thus, the realm of accountability is more alike in freelancing and corporate employment than initially perceived.

3. The Weight of Responsibility

In a corporate environment, the safety net of shared responsibility often mitigates the burden associated with project failures or missed deadlines. Within this structure, managers typically absorb the fallout from unsuccessful projects, irrespective of which team member may have contributed to the mishap.

Contrastingly, the world of freelancing functions differently. As a freelancer, you are the sole bearer of responsibility for any mishaps that occur during the course of your work. Regardless of the specifics of your role, when things do not go as planned, you alone shoulder the weight of accountability.


Thus, the sense of responsibility inherent in both freelancing and traditional employment is far more similar than one might initially believe, albeit distributed differently.

4. Navigating Professional Interactions

In a conventional corporate environment, employees regularly navigate a myriad of office politics and a diverse array of colleague personalities. From the subtly antagonistic team member to the self-proclaimed expert, from the spotlight seeker to the manager’s favored one – if you’ve spent time in an office setting, you’ve likely encountered them all.

Contrarily, as a freelancer, you may not be sharing a physical workspace with colleagues, but you are not exempt from interacting with a similarly eclectic mix of personalities. These encounters, however, manifest themselves in your client base. Engage in a conversation with a group of freelancers, and you’ll find that the discussion of client personalities invariably emerges.

How to Handle Your Clients like a Pro

How to Handle Your Clients like a Pro

The freelancer-to-client relationship is a tricky thing to deal with. Your ability to work with the various types... Read more

5. Embracing Extended Work Hours

One might be drawn to freelancing due to the allure of flexible work schedules or the prospect of reduced work hours. However, reality often reveals a different picture – as a freelancer, you might find yourself dedicating more time to work than you did in your full-time role.


While overtime is not uncommon in the corporate world, for freelancers, it’s practically an unwritten rule. They frequently find themselves burning the midnight oil or sacrificing weekends to meet pressing deadlines. Achieving success in the freelance realm often necessitates an investment of long, demanding hours.

6. Advancing in Professional Growth

Within the corporate landscape, promotions serve as a tangible acknowledgement of employees’ diligent efforts and unwavering commitment. Similarly, freelancers experience their own version of advancement, except they are the ones bestowing it upon themselves.

This self-promotion can take various forms, such as rewarding oneself with well-deserved breaks, elevating rates to reflect increased value, or embracing larger-scale clients. Each step signifies a milestone in their professional growth.

7. Seeking Greater Opportunities

Both corporate employees and freelancers are constantly on the lookout for their next significant advancement, whether it’s within their current company or elsewhere. This could include a new position, job, benefits, or work environment. Freelancers share this mindset as they continuously search for their next major client.

personal growth

They are always pursuing larger and more lucrative opportunities to increase their earnings. Just as employees do not stay with one company for their entire career, freelancers do not rely on a single client. While it’s common for freelancers to have long-term clients, these relationships are not permanent. Ultimately, they will move on to other clients in their pursuit of growth and success.

So, what’s the difference?

With so many similarities, are we merely deceiving ourselves into thinking that we are better off as freelancers? Is transitioning from a full-time corporate job to a freelancing business just a change of scenery?

The answer is no.

There is a significant difference between a full-time corporate job and a freelance one: flexibility and control. In a full-time job, you lack flexibility. You cannot start work later if you wish to go to the gym in the morning, take a random afternoon off, or simply turn off your computer and leave work to pick up your kids in the middle of the day.

As a freelancer, among other things, you have control over your earnings, the clients you choose to work with, and your working days and hours. Best of all, you can raise your rates, let go of clients you no longer wish to work with, and find more, higher-paying clients. You have the freedom and control to make all these decisions while freelancing, and this is what makes it all worthwhile.

10 Tips to Make WFH (Working From Home) Work

10 Tips to Make WFH (Working From Home) Work

If you have decided that working from home is your only option, here are a few tips that... Read more

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Busting Web Design Myths: The Top 7 Misconceptions Clients Hold https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/misconceptions-website-design-client/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/misconceptions-website-design-client/#comments Fri, 19 May 2023 07:01:06 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=20729 Busting web design myths: Navigate through common client misconceptions and enhance your design process.

The post Busting Web Design Myths: The Top 7 Misconceptions Clients Hold appeared first on Hongkiat.

As a beginner web designer, you may be an idealist and visionary, but eventually, you will encounter clients who can turn you into a cynic. You will learn that clients often have a clear idea of what they want, but they may not fully understand certain aspects of web design. Are you ready to handle these challenges?

Here are seven common misconceptions that clients have about web design, which can be frustrating or even deadly for your project. We also provide tips on how to counter and prevent these issues from arising during your client-freelancer relationship. If you have any stories or advice to share, please leave them in the comments section.

How to Work Better with Clients

How to Work Better with Clients

Working with clients all day long may sometimes lead to stress in a freelance schedule. Long working hours,... Read more

1. They Believe They Own You

There are clients who believe that they own you once you enter into a contract with them. Beware of these clients! They will constantly email you, demanding revisions and new design features. If you don’t respond immediately, they will become angry and start threatening you.

The problem arises when you don’t properly explain your work schedule to your client. If you don’t mention that you don’t work on weekends, for example, they may assume that you do. This is particularly true if you work as a freelancer, which many people see as the opposite of a fixed 9-to-5 job.

It’s a matter of technicality: if you didn’t say it, it doesn’t apply.

working under pressure
How to Counter This

To avoid this issue, it is important to clearly communicate your working hours and schedule to your clients. This will prevent them from expecting updates or responses during times when you are not working, such as on a Saturday night.

If necessary, consider having a separate phone for work that can be turned off outside of working hours. Clients may try to contact you with new ideas or requests at any time, but it is important to prioritize your own work-life balance.

Additionally, avoid checking or responding to work emails outside of working hours, as there will always be more to address when you return to work.

2. Their Website Will Immediately Go Viral

To some extent, a web designer is responsible for optimizing the website’s markup and ensuring it loads quickly because search engines consider load speed when ranking websites. However, it’s not an exact science to make a site design go "viral".

This buzzword has been around for a while, and some services promote it as a feature. But if a client expects you to drive thousands of visitors to their site, don’t say yes if you can’t deliver. It’s better to explain to them that going viral is a different service and refer them to someone who can help.

How to Counter This

This is a common situation, especially with business owners who don’t know much about the internet. Use it as an opportunity to educate them instead of getting frustrated with their expectations.

3. They Know What People Want

The animated logo, marquee, loads of pop-ups, auto-play music, and many other travesties that were considered cool 20 years ago would make today’s web designer wet their pants in fear. However, for some reason, clients are still asking for these things because they believe "this is what people want." Take a deep breath.

web designer
How to Counter This

When speaking with a client, it is important to convey your expertise and respect for their input. However, if you believe that their suggestions compromise the principles of good design, it is your responsibility as a web designer to respectfully decline

A simple response such as "I will consider your suggestion, but based on user preferences, this alternative may be more effective. Trust me, I have extensive experience in this field and want to ensure your success" can be highly effective.

For additional guidance on navigating these situations, consider reading "Convincing The Client – How To Win A Design Argument."

4. Space Is Bad and It Should Always Be Filled with Something

Everyone needs breathing space, even websites. Having empty space does not mean the website has been rushed or not well-thought-out. In fact, it takes serious consideration to ensure that these "empty" spaces complement the entire website.

Client: “Hey, this website looks like something I can come up with in just five minutes.”

Designer: “It’s called Minimalism. Whitespace.”

Client: “Well, there is too much space here. Can you put some kittens here?”


How to Counter This

There is a reason why cluttered, glittery, and blinking website designs from the 90s have died out. Tastes, needs, and requirements change with time, and generation gaps exist even online

There will always be a transition period in the world of design, whether we like it or not. Currently, whitespace and minimalism are the "in" things (who knows what will happen in a couple of years), and it’s important that your client understands that visitors associate website design with how up-to-date their company is with the latest trends.

5. Mobile App Design and Mobile/Responsive Site Design Are the Same

There is a significant difference between having an app for your website and having a mobile or responsive website. A mobile app or application is something that you can download from marketplaces like Google Play or the App Store and install on your mobile devices. These applications are compact and serve specific purposes, without the newsletter sign-up forms, headers, footers, fancy images, and the like.

On the other hand, a mobile website refers to a copy of a website saved under a different directory or subdomain (e.g., m.youtube.com). Meanwhile, a responsive website is built to "respond" and change to accommodate the different screen sizes on which you view the site.

It is important to note that these are not all the same. A designer who can build a website may not necessarily know how to build an app, and vice versa. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the differences and choose the right option for your business needs.

How to Counter This

Be wary of clients who believe that designing an app is the same as designing a website, and that this is all you are paid to do. This is especially important if you are unable to do both. It is crucial to clarify this to them with clear examples.

One way to do this is by showing them an actual responsive website, a mobile website, and an app that all belong to the same company or brand. This will give them a clear understanding of what each one is and what they require for their specific purpose.

It is important to be patient when dealing with this issue as it may take some time to get through to them.

6. Since You Designed Their Website, You Are Forever Responsible for Any Redesign

Have you heard of animal imprinting? It’s when an animal that is born sees people nearby (or anything moving) and follows it devotedly around thereafter, thinking that they are its parents.

Well, in design, some clients have this tendency to depend on you for redesigns and everything else after a project is done. It starts out as something small, like a font change or a background color change. Then, because you did not invoice them for the changes, they expect every other change request thereafter to fall under the after-sales service.

Their requests keep coming, in batches, nonstop, until you need to wave your white flag.

How to Counter This

If you don’t currently use a contract for your freelance work, it’s a good idea to start using one. And if you do already use one, make sure to clearly explain the "grace period" clause to your clients before beginning any work. Personally, I give my clients 48 hours to send revision requests, and another 24 hours after that for minor changes.

For larger projects, it’s important to provide a longer "testing" period for clients to review the design. The goal is to let them know that they have a pre-determined period of time to request changes for free. After that time period, they will be on their own or may be charged for change requests.

In summary, using a contract and clearly explaining the grace period clause can help ensure that both you and your clients are on the same page regarding revisions and changes.

7. They Think They Can Cancel a Project Anytime and You Will Receive Nothing

This is another reason why you should work with a contract. Clients are human, and some of them are very fickle-minded. They may tell you they want the project done, when you can start, and then disappear for weeks.

Only to come back and tell you they have changed their mind and don’t want to continue with the project. And voila, they are gone from the face of the earth.

How to Counter This

Yes, it is frustrating, but unless you ask for a deposit upfront, don’t expect to be paid for whatever work you have already put into the project. Although it would be easier to ask for an initial commencement deposit if you have a reputation that precedes you, it is common practice nowadays to ask for a starting fee before starting any work.

In many cases, it prevents the client from bailing on you halfway since they have committed financially to the client-freelancer relationship. You can also charge them a predetermined cancellation fee if the project is of a very large scale. This will reduce the losses from the man-hours you have spent on a project that ended up getting canceled because of no fault of yours.


Despite all the suggestions listed above to counter the seven misconceptions or problems clients may have about web design, sometimes it doesn’t help to be as blunt. You might need to resort to hinting or dropping things casually into normal conversations. Don’t expect your clients to know most of these things, but you want to avoid insulting them if they don’t.

For the more important things, keep a black-and-white copy of the communication: emails, Skype conversations, text messages, so you have evidence that you have informed them beforehand of what is involved.

Also, never sign a contract without fully explaining things to a new client. Contracts are supposed to protect your rights and your client’s. At the end of the day, it is a money-for-service exchange, and both sides should walk away from the transaction happy with what transpired over the completion of the project. And who knows, they might keep coming back to you with more projects.

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6 Essential (But Boring) Tasks Freelancers Hate Doing https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/essential-boring-tasks-freelancers-hate-doing/ https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/essential-boring-tasks-freelancers-hate-doing/#comments Wed, 17 May 2023 07:01:47 +0000 https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/?p=10319 Master essential yet tedious tasks in freelancing with our guide. Boost productivity and grow your freelance career.

The post 6 Essential (But Boring) Tasks Freelancers Hate Doing appeared first on Hongkiat.

Freelancing, at its core, is a business endeavor. Regardless of whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, or web developer, there are always those mundane yet crucial tasks that come with the territory, such as managing never-ending to-do lists or dealing with the headache of taxes. However, mastering these tasks is key to excelling in your freelance career.

This article serves as a guide, providing valuable tips to not only conquer those dull tasks but also transform them into engaging activities. You’ve already embraced the world of freelancing, gaining autonomy (and possibly a longer life), so allow these suggestions to further shield you from tedious and burdensome tasks. Let’s dive in!

1. To-do lists

To-do lists can be valuable tools for making our workdays more productive. They show us what we need to achieve daily, break tasks into manageable pieces, and give us a sense of accomplishment as we cross items off. However, in reality, to-do lists often just keep growing, making us feel overwhelmed and unproductive instead.

to do list

Constantly expanding to-do lists can lead to feelings of incompetence and result in procrastination. To make lists work in your favor, try limiting the number of tasks you include. At the beginning or end of each day, write down the five most critical tasks and resist the urge to add more items.

By crossing off just one item, you’ll feel more productive with only four tasks remaining. As you complete each task, your list will gradually shrink. Before you know it, you’ll have finished all the items on your list for the day, leaving you with a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

2. Deadlines

For freelancers, deadlines are a crucial part of our work lives. Meeting deadlines is essential for maintaining client relationships, but the pressure of deadlines can also be a source of stress. Missing a deadline can take months to repair the trust with a client.

Of course, missing a deadline isn’t always disastrous if it’s handled properly and there’s a legitimate reason. However, repeatedly missing deadlines or making it a habit can make it difficult to retain clients.

A simple strategy to prevent missed deadlines is to give yourself a buffer of a few extra days. For example, if you can complete a project by Tuesday, inform your client that you’ll submit the work on Thursday instead. This little trick helps to account for procrastination and any unexpected issues (such as computer crashes or illnesses) that may arise.

3. Taxes

Taxes are often the most disliked and feared task for freelancers. The thought of organizing receipts, bills, client payments, and expenses can be overwhelming. Not to mention the need to file 1099 forms and other paperwork.

Even the most organized freelancers can feel stressed by taxes, causing them to procrastinate and scramble to complete everything on time.

doing taxes

To make handling taxes more manageable, consider hiring a professional or using a business tax software. These options guide you through the process and calculate your taxes for you.

On the bright side, you can benefit from tax deductions, such as write-offs for purchasing stock photos.

4. Marketing

In freelancing, simply being skilled and passionate about your work isn’t enough. Without clients, your talent goes unnoticed. To attract clients, freelancers need to actively market their services.

Fortunately, marketing doesn’t have to feel pushy or insincere. With social media, you can build your presence by connecting with others and offering help. Join platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and engage with individuals in your niche or potential clients.

social media marketing

Instead of explicitly promoting yourself, let your social media profile speak for your freelance business. Share your work strategically, assist others, and provide value. As you interact and showcase your expertise, your reputation will grow organically.

For example, I’ve found more work through Twitter in the past year than my own website, proving that effective marketing doesn’t have to be aggressive.

5. Follow-ups

Staying in touch with both potential and existing clients is essential, but it can be time-consuming and not particularly enjoyable. You’d likely prefer to focus on your actual work, which is your strong suit. However, maintaining communication is crucial for securing more business opportunities. For instance, after completing a project for a client, a follow-up email could lead to additional work, a testimonial, or even a referral. With potential clients, it could result in a new contract.

The tricky part about following up is finding the right timing. If you reach out too soon, it may seem like you’re pressuring the person, which is not appreciated. If you wait too long, they might forget about you or even hire someone else.

To streamline the follow-up process, create a straightforward system. Determine what you think is the appropriate time to follow up and mark it in your calendar. Additionally, prepare two follow-up email templates – one for current clients and one for potential clients.

Each time you interact with a potential client or finish a project for an existing one, note the follow-up date in your calendar. When that day comes, use the corresponding template to send a follow-up email. This approach will make following up less daunting.

6. Cold calls

Cold calling can be intimidating for freelancers, as it involves reaching out to unfamiliar people who might not even be aware of who you are. This can cause some anxiety and make you feel like an unwelcome salesperson.

To make cold calling more approachable, try reframing it as an introduction rather than a sales pitch. For example, call a company, introduce yourself, and simply ask if they work with freelancers.

cold calling

If they do, offer to send them your information. This approach is less intrusive and more conversational. If you still find cold calling uncomfortable, consider using email as an alternative. Research the companies you’d like to work with and identify the appropriate contact person. Then, send them a Letter of Introduction (LOI) with all the necessary details.

By adjusting your mindset or opting for a different method, you can make this essential task more manageable and less daunting.


Ultimately, it’s crucial to put forth your best effort as a freelancer. Remember that you chose this path because of your skills and self-discipline. By adopting a positive mindset and applying the tips shared above, you’ll be well on your way to a successful freelancing career.

Are there any other tedious but essential freelancing tasks you’ve encountered? If you could avoid one task forever, which would it be?

The post 6 Essential (But Boring) Tasks Freelancers Hate Doing appeared first on Hongkiat.

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