Alvaris Falcon

Alvaris is a web designer, developer and staff writer for

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Toilet Roll To Paper Art by Anastassia Elias

If your creativity is wild, no medium is a limitation. This fact is exceptionally true with Anastassia Elias, a french artist who collects toilet roll…

Lifelike Origami Artwork In The Wild [Photos]

We have previously featured a collection of splendid artwork by Won Park, a brilliant origami artist who specializes in turning dollar bills into life…

Amazing Bird Sculptures Made of Papers

Diana Beltrán Herrera loves to seek the relationship between animal and nature with her down-to-earth tools – her hands and paper. Her enthusiasm h…

10 Things You Could Set Out to Do This Year

We have just welcomed the new year with fireworks and greetings. So like every year, one of the first thoughts is about making certain plans for the n…

Finger Photography: Capturing the Story of Miniature Worlds

Today we are going to celebrate the unsung heroes that are… our fingers. I think it’s pretty safe to say that all articles of Hongkiat are written…

45 Innovative Planking Photography Examples

The lying down game, commonly referred to as planking, has rapidly gained popularity on the internet. Numerous photos showcasing various planking pose…

Water Photo Manipulation

How many times you’d really take a serious look at water? As human who inhabits in the mother Earth, we see the water everywhere. It’s one of the …

Surreal Face Art For Your Inspiration

Disclaimer: Some images in this post may be unsettling for certain audiences. For your convenience, the previews have been blurred. Click on the previ…

Vintage Advertisement of Modern Technology

Vintage design is always described as outdated, old looking design with most updated products like Facebook or Nintendo Wii featured… what? Yeah it…

Recycled Art: 66 Masterpieces Made From Junk

Artists can use just about any material to create a masterpiece – and from any I mean even junk. Such is called recycled art and is created using co…

The 10 People Who Helped Shape Adobe Photoshop

Nowadays it’s impossible to find a professional website and even physical prints that is not digitally processed by Photoshop. In fact, almost every…

7 Tips to More Accurate Google Search Results

It has become almost colloquial to “Google something” for which you want an answer. But have you been using this amazing search engine in a way th…